i can't figure out rewrite sql statement avoid error below msg 8120, level 16, state 1, line 26 column 'staffmember.staffmemberid' invalid in select list because not contained in either aggregate function or group clause. sql statment select (select [dbo].[udf_readstaffmemberbasic](sm.staffmemberid) xml path ('staffmembersummary'), root ('items'), type ), count(sm.staffmemberid) totalresults, ceiling(cast(count(sm.staffmemberid) decimal)/ @pagesize) totalpages staffmember sm inner join staffmembertoadditionalrole ar on sm.staffmemberid = ar.staffmemberid (sm.firstname '%' + @name + '%' or sm.surname '%' + @name + '%') , (@floorid null or sm.floorid = @floorid) , (@directorateid null or sm.directorateid = @directorateid) , (@additionalroleid null or ar.additionalroleid = @additionalroleid) order sm.staffmemberid offset @page * @pagesize rows fe...
i trying test angularjs component using karma, mocha, power-assert. have textarea , button in component, button disabled based on length of text in textarea. when run component in browser works perfectly. can't figure out how test functionality. here's bit of code. inquiryform.js function inquiryform($scope) { // plan add logic here } angular.module('myapp').component('inquiryform', { controller: inquiryform, controlleras: 'inquiryform', templateurl: 'inquiryform.html' }); inquiryform.html <div class="contact"> <div>thanks contacting us.</div> <form> <textarea ng-model="inquiryform.inquirytext" name=""></textarea> <input type="submit" value="send" ng-disabled="!inquiryform.inquirytext.length"> </form> </div> inquiryformtest.js describe('inquiry form ', () => { let $r...
can me please, head swollen... i trying run daemon on android emu/device command: adb -s <device_name> shell su -c /dir/daemon <port_number> but nothink happens, , no errors! if do: adb -s <device> shell and form shell cmdline: su -c /dir/daemon <port_number> than work fine. try use shell-script , run: adb -s <device_name> shell sh su -c /dir/script.sh <port_number> and try generate script qt code port number , use: adb -s <device_name> shell sh su -c /dir/script.sh but not helped... problem if enter adb shell previous run daemon - work. problem on different device/emu/iso_image different command format not work. example: adb -s <device_name> shell su -c /dir/daemon <port_number> // work @ emu, not @ iso and vice: adb -s <device_name> shell su -c "/dir/daemon <port_number>" // work @ iso etc. everybody can answer what's matter? sorry english adb shell su -c ...
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