c# - To open an EXE on a remote computer using ip address -

i want open program on remote computer ip through c# windows based program.

the file want open on . @"c:\program files\realvnc\vnc viewer\vncviewer.exe"

i using following code it's not working. please me out

connectionoptions options = new connectionoptions();  options.impersonation = impersonationlevel.impersonate;  options.authentication = authenticationlevel.default;  options.username = username;  options.password = password;  options.authority = null;  options.enableprivileges = true; managementscope scope = new managementscope(path, options);  scope.connect();  // create process  using (managementclass process = new managementclass("win32_process"))  {     connectionoptions conn = new connectionoptions();      conn.username = "support";     conn.password = "password";     process.scope = scope;      process.invokemethod("create", commandline);      managementscope ms = new managementscope(@"\\\root\cimv2", conn);     process g = process.start(@"c:\\program files\realvnc\vnc viewer\vncviewer.exe"); 

this excerpt program wrote you're trying do. used process g = .. creates local process. not wanted.

 connectionoptions connoptions = new connectionoptions();   connoptions.impersonation = impersonationlevel.impersonate;   connoptions.enableprivileges = true;   managementscope manscope = new managementscope(string.format(@"\\{0}\root\cimv2", remotemachine),  connoptions);   manscope.connect();   objectgetoptions objectgetoptions = new objectgetoptions();   managementpath managementpath = new managementpath("win32_process");   managementclass processclass = new managementclass(manscope, managementpath, objectgetoptions);   managementbaseobject inparams = processclass.getmethodparameters("create");   console.writeline("{0}>remoteexec: {1}",remotemachine, sbatfile);   inparams["commandline"] = sbatfile;   inparams["currentdirectory"] = !nocopy?@"c:\656":@"c:\"; // part of current process needs remote folder wish work from, c:\656 default   managementbaseobject outparams = processclass.invokemethod("create", inparams, null);   uint32 rv = (uint32) outparams["returnvalue"];   uint processid = (uint) outparams["processid"];    string result = "";   switch (rv)   { case 0:  result = "ok";  break; case 2:  result = "access denied";  break; case 3:  result = "insufficient privilage";  break; case 8:  result = "unknown failure";  break; case 9:  result = "path not found";  break; case 21:  result = "unknown failure";  break; default:  result = "mega bad";  break;   }   console.writeline("{0}>creation of process returned: {1}",remotemachine,result); 

this tell why remote process failed.. if fails launch


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