plot - R: Graphing a table plan -

general goal

i placing guests around tables according set of rules. goal, in post, have handy function display names of these guests around respective tables on r graphic.

input data

guests describes position of each guest @ each table. note number of guests per table varies.

guests = list(    table_1 = c("jack", "christelle", "frank", "john s.", "lucia"),    table_2 = c("george", "amanda", "alice", "laura", "john h."),    table_3 = c("jeanette", "elizabeth", "remi", "fabian", "urs", "emma"),    table_5 = c("roger", "marry", "henrique", "claire", "julia"),    table_6 = c("alphonse", "marie", "dani", "rachel") ) 

table_positions indicate each table should positioned on graph. assume here each axis goes 0 10, point c(5,5) @ center of graph.

table_positions = data.frame(   y_position=c(3,2,3,7,8,7),   x_position=c(3,5,7,3,5,7) ) 

details of graphic

i suggest tables represented circles centered @ position indicated data.frame table_positions. names of each guest should written around these tables following list guests.

placement of tables :

require(plotrix) plot(x = table_positions$x_position      ,y= table_positions$y_position      ,xlim=c(0,10),ylim=c(0,10),pch=".")$x_position,         radius=0.5,         table_positions$y_position) 

enter image description here

guests positioning :

for(i in 1:length(guests)){   table<-as.vector(unlist(guests[i]))   postable<-c(table_positions$x_position[i],table_positions$y_position[i])   nbguest<-length(table)   for(j in 1:nbguest){     text(x=postable[1]+round(0.5*cos((2*j/nbguest)*pi),2),          y=postable[2]+round(0.5*sin((2*j/nbguest)*pi),2),          labels=guests[[i]][[j]],          cex=0.5)   }  } 

enter image description here

i added table4 1 pepole named "bla".
can specify text size cex option (here 0.5).


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