php - compare strings with differences and similarities -

i use function compare strings..

but how add 1 more property return array similarities in 2 strings?

function get_decorated_diff($old, $new){     $from_start = strspn($old ^ $new, "\0");             $from_end = strspn(strrev($old) ^ strrev($new), "\0");      $old_end = strlen($old) - $from_end;     $new_end = strlen($new) - $from_end;      $start = substr($new, 0, $from_start);     $end = substr($new, $new_end);     $new_diff = substr($new, $from_start, $new_end - $from_start);       $old_diff = substr($old, $from_start, $old_end - $from_start);      $new = "$start<ins style='background-color:#ccffcc'>$new_diff</ins>$end";     $old = "$start<del style='background-color:#ffcccc'>$old_diff</del>$end";      return array("old"=>$old, "new"=>$new); }  $string_old = "the quick brown fox jumped on lazy dog"; $string_new = "the quick white rabbit jumped on lazy dog"; $diff = get_decorated_diff($string_old, $string_new); echo "<table>     <tr>         <td>".$diff['old']."</td>         <td>".$diff['new']."</td>     </tr> </table>"; 

from want modification show similarities:

<?php function get_decorated_diff($old, $new, $get_similarity=false){     $from_start = strspn($old ^ $new, "\0");             $from_end = strspn(strrev($old) ^ strrev($new), "\0");      $old_end = strlen($old) - $from_end;     $new_end = strlen($new) - $from_end;      $start = substr($new, 0, $from_start);     $end = substr($new, $new_end);     $new_diff = substr($new, $from_start, $new_end - $from_start);       $old_diff = substr($old, $from_start, $old_end - $from_start);      $new = "$start<ins style='background-color:#ccffcc'>$new_diff</ins>$end";     $old = "$start<del style='background-color:#ffcccc'>$old_diff</del>$end";     if($get_similarity)     $get_similarity = "<ins style='background-color:#ccffcc'>$start $end</ins>";      return array("old"=>$old, "new"=>$new, "similarity"=>$get_similarity); }  $string_old = "the quick brown fox jumped on lazy dog"; $string_new = "the quick white rabbit jumped on lazy dog"; $diff = get_decorated_diff($string_old, $string_new, true); echo "<table border=1>     <tr align=center>         <td>old</td>         <td>new</td>         <td>similarity</td>     </tr>     <tr>         <td>".$diff['old']."</td>         <td>".$diff['new']."</td>         <td>".$diff['similarity']."</td>     </tr> </table>";  ?> 


enter image description here


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