bash - Issue in echo statement in shell scripting -

i have peculiar issue script have wrote today. trying form ip address 2 variables namely url , port. getting url value library script echos , port number 10000. if concatenate both url , port variable ip, strange result(:10000241.1.8). have code , result below. please me suggestions fix this.

clear echo $(date +'%h:%m:%s')'>> "sample records" script started...' usage() {   echo ">> $ -ctoff 89 -env c -ns reporting -deppath /user/release/audit_prime_oozie"   echo "usage: $ -ctoff <cutoff number> -env <testing cluster. ex: s staging,c,d,p , a> -ns <optional: hive namespace> -deppath <deployment path>"  }  # function validate if value of parameter not empty  validate () { if  [[ $flag != 1 ]];   if [[ $tmpvar == *"-"* ]] || [[ -z $tmpvar ]];     usage     exit 1   fi fi }  options=$@ if [[ -z $options ]]; usage exit 1 fi arguments=($options) index=0  # function extract parameter values check (){ x in $options       index=`expr $index + 1`      case $x in       -ctoff)       cutoff="${arguments[index]}"       tmpvar=$cutoff       validate $tmpvar       ;;       -env)       env="${arguments[index]}"       tmpvar=$env       validate $tmpvar       ;;       -ns)       ns="${arguments[index]}"       tmpvar=$ns       validate $tmpvar       ;;       -deppath)       deppath="${arguments[index]}"       tmpvar=$deppath       validate $tmpvar       ;;      esac       if [[ -z $ns ]];then         ns=reporting      fi   done }  check $@  error_exit(){   echo "$1" 1>&2   exit 1 }  # create execution directory user=$(id -u -n) pwd=`pwd` install_root=$pwd local_dir="/tmp/$user/sample_duns" if [[ ! -d $local_dir ]];   mkdir -p $local_dir   echo ">> created local directory $local_dir"   if [[ $? -ne 0 ]];     echo ">> unable create $local_dir, writing current folder $install_root"     local_dir=$install_root   fi fi if [[ $(ls -a $local_dir) ]];   echo ">> removed temp files $local_dir"   rm -r $local_dir/* fi  # create file name datestamp=$(date '+%y%m%d%h') outfile=sample_duns_$datestamp.txt  # copy contents hdfs local directory echo ">> copying required files hdfs" hdfs dfs -copytolocal $deppath/data-warehouse/config/ $local_dir || error_exit "cannot copy files hdfs! exiting now.." hdfs dfs -copytolocal $deppath/data-warehouse/reporting/ $local_dir || error_exit "cannot copy files hdfs! exiting now.." if [[ $? -ne 0 ]];   echo ">> files missing. exiting now.."   exit 1 fi  # call lib script appropriate hiveserver2 ip address supplied environment beeline execution  echo ">> reading hiveserver2 ip" chmod +x $local_dir/ url=$($local_dir/ $env $local_dir/ echo url=$url port=10000 echo ip=$url:$b  

here output terminal.

11:18:16>> "sample records" script started... >> removed temp files /tmp/user/sample_duns >> copying required files hdfs >> reading hiveserver2 ip url= :10000241.1.8 

i expecting below result


adding script below

. $2 # read properties file  if [[ $1 == "d" ]];   ip=$devhser elif [[ $1 == "c" ]];   ip=$crankhser elif [[ $1 == "s" ]];   ip=$stghser elif [[ $1 == "p" ]];   ip=$prdhser elif [[ $1 == "a" ]];   ip=$alphser else   echo ">> invalid cluster ip encountered. exiting ..."   exit 1 fi echo $ip 

your url variable contains carriage return character reason. check weirdness.

pipe echo output hexdump confirm.

edit: looks properties file has bad line endings. use file utility check.


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