solrcloud - Solr performance issues -
i'm using solr handle search on large set of documents, start having performance issues complex queries facets , filters. solr query used data :
solr full request : http://host/solr/discovery/select?q=&fq=domain%3acom+or+host%3acom+or+public_suffix%3acom&fq=crawl_date%3a%5b2000-01-01t00%3a00%3a00z+to+2000-12-31t23%3a59%3a59z%5d&fq=%7b%21tag%3dcrawl_year%7dcrawl_year%3a%282000%29&fq=%7b%21tag%3dpublic_suffix%7dpublic_suffix%3a%28com%29&start=0&rows=10&sort=score+desc&fl=%2cscore&hl=true&hl.fragsize=200&hl.simple.pre=%3cstrong%3e&"
when query used localy 50000 documents, takes 10 seconds, when try on host 200 million documents takes 4 minutes. know naturaly it's going take longer time in host, wonder if had same issue , able faster results. knowing i'm using 2 shards.
waiting responses.
you're doing number of complicated things @ once: date ranges, highlighting, faceting, , distributed search. (non-solrcloud, looks like)
still, 10 seconds 50k-doc index seems slow me. try selectively removing aspects of search see if can isolate part slowing things down , focus on that. i'd expect can find simpler queries fast, if match lot of documents.
either way, check out
there lot of useful tips there, #1 performance issue not having enough memory, large indexes.
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