
Showing posts from January, 2013

embedded linux - touchscreen ft5x06 not responding? -

i using kontron smarc-samx6i board run nxp imx6q processor. working yocto in need interface touch screen of ft5316 through i2c . edited device tree follows: polytouch: edt_ft5x06@39 { compatible = "edt","edt_ft5x06","edt-ft5x06"; reg = <0x39>; pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_smx6_i2c_gpio_1>; irq_pin=<&gpio3 1 0>; interrupt-parent = <&gpio3>; interrupts = <0 70 0x04>; }; when using i2cdump command touchscreen responds successfully, when working module won't respond. when using below command getting following output root@smarc-samx6i:~# cat /proc/bus/input/devices i: bus=0019 vendor=0001 product=0001 version=0100 n: name="gpio-keys.27" p: phys=gpio-keys/input0 s: sysfs=/devices/soc0/gpio-keys.27/input/input0 u: uniq= h: handlers=kbd event0 evbug b: prop=0 b: ev=23 b: key=4000 100000 0 0 0 b: ...

Adobe analytics web beacon response 204? -

for adobe analytics tracking http response header (sorry can't paste request here privacy), can see following content-length:43 content-type:image/gif i not sure why adobe analytics returns 43 size tracking pixel rather smaller one. adobe analytics client-side javascript need read content-length header verification? what if return http 204 no content, work?

javascript - Add additional file to global path in nodeJS -

i new nodejs/ javascript , want add additional file global variable declaration. idear: i want add language file global path var getlanguage = require('./language.js'); module.exports = { retryassertiontimeout: 2000, url:'', language: getlanguage.de_de, in language file have 2 definitions, 1 german , 1 english. so if change language: getlanguage.de_de, to language: getlanguage.en_en, i want change used langugage. the declaration in language file looks like: module.exports = { de_de: { verzeichnisse: "verzeichnisse", benachrichtigungen: "benachrichtigungen", berichte: "berichte", ftp_server: "ftp server", } }; in functions call var data = client.globals; var language = data.language; .goto(language.benutzer) //benutzer declared in full file. but not work. any idears? [laguage.js] var chinese = { game : "游戏" } var english = { game : ...

objective c - Fail to decode Int with NSCoder in Swift -

i using xcode8 beta swift 3.0. tried encode simple object base on nsobject, cannot decode int or nsinteger type. (the encoding process ok) codes class model : nsobject, nscoding { var seq: nsnumber? var seq2: int? // problem seq2, nsinteger not ok, either var id: string? var value: string? override init() { super.init() } required init?(coder adecoder: nscoder){ self.seq = adecoder.decodeobject(forkey: "seq") as? nsnumber self.seq2 = adecoder.decodeinteger(forkey: "seq2") = adecoder.decodeobject(forkey: "id") as? string self.value = adecoder.decodeobject(forkey: "value") as? string } func encode(with acoder: nscoder){ acoder.encode(seq, forkey: "seq") acoder.encode(seq2, forkey: "seq2") acoder.encode(id, forkey: "id") acoder.encode(value, forkey: "value") } } the prob...

java - Adding extra unvisible information to each cell in the JTable -

i have jtable in gui . in our system, there various registrar . if registrar adds data, data added cell in jtable. if add data table, lost registrar information, important further operations. what try need add information (who registered data) each cell in jtable information should not seen in table. briefly. if cell selected, should access registrar information. i not know whether possible implement , suggestions appreciated. one appproach display details in tooltip. article how use tables: specifying tool tips cells includes complete example shows how change tooltip text each cell. keep registrar information in tablemodel , in tablecellrenderer via table parameter seen gettablecellrenderercomponent() . alternatively, display in tablepopupeditor , seen here .

javascript - table row become fade after some time not working -

this table row requirement first time displaying row in yellow color after 4 seconds color become possible . $('#invoice').prepend('<tr><td>invoice</td><td>analysing</td><td>analysing</td></tr>'); i have 3 solutions you: pure javascript , jquery , css pure javascript solution: this creating new tr , appending table innerhtml set td tags. same jquery appending table little different. have done can target specific tr has been create settimeout run. function demo(){ var table = document.getelementbyid('invoice'); var tr = document.createelement('tr'); table.appendchild(tr); tr.innerhtml='<td>invoice</td><td>analysing</td><td>analysing</td>'; // opacity change settimeout(function(){"0.5"}, 4000); //background //settimeout(function(){

javascript - Check $_POST data with jquery before submitting the form -

i have form sends store first name of user in database. checking information send user using regex in php. make project more interactive, decided validate information jquery before sending php. my project looks this: <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-2.2.3.min.js"></script> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <body> <form > <div> <label>first name</label> <input name="firstname" type="text"> </div> <div> <input type="submit"> </div> </form> </body> </html> <script> $(document).ready(function() { $("form").submit(function (e) { var firstname = $(this).find('input[name="fir...

css - Font-awesome icons on the same web page, some icons mismatch code, and some only show squares -

i'm using font-awesome in django project, icons in front of nav-bar list. problem is, title says, icons show normally, icons show square 4-digit unicode inside, , icons show mismatch code. mess! i've been stuck here long, , tried lot solve it. read docs through, , googled lot, no effective solutions found. environment information: i'm using latest version of font-awesome(4.6.3) local copy on linux server(ubuntu 14.04). i've tried load page on chrome/firefox/ie, results no different. i've tried disabled adblock plugin, resulted in vain. specific code: the 1st icon normal. the 2nd icon show square unicode (the same official ). the 3rd 1 show mismatch icon. <li class="openstack-panel"> <a class="openstack-spin" tabindex="6"> <i class="fa fa-home fa-fw"></i> security group </a> </li> <li class="openstack-panel"> ...

Facebook canvas app unable to get access token using PHP SDK -

good noon, i trying create new facebook canvas app. facebook app tried access token getcanvashelper() method, every time tried print shows blank. using php sdk 5.0.0 $helper = $fb->getcanvashelper(); $accesstoken = $helper->getaccesstoken(); here below full sample code. due access token issue unable process further. any appreciable. here below sample code. <?php session_start(); require_once __dir__ . '/src/facebook/autoload.php'; $fb = new facebook\facebook([ 'app_id' => 'my_app_id_i_have_replce_it_for_security', 'app_secret' => 'my_app_secret_i_have_replce_it_for_security', 'default_graph_version' => 'v2.4', ]); $helper = $fb->getcanvashelper(); $permissions = ['user_posts']; // optionnal try { if (isset($_session['facebook_access_token'])) { $accesstoken = $_session['facebook_access_token']; } else { $accesstoken = $helper->getacce...

solrcloud - Solr performance issues -

i'm using solr handle search on large set of documents, start having performance issues complex queries facets , filters. solr query used data : solr full request : http://host/solr/discovery/select?q= &fq=domain%3acom+or+host%3acom+or+public_suffix%3acom&fq=crawl_date%3a%5b2000-01-01t00%3a00%3a00z+to+2000-12-31t23%3a59%3a59z%5d&fq=%7b%21tag%3dcrawl_year%7dcrawl_year%3a%282000%29&fq=%7b%21tag%3dpublic_suffix%7dpublic_suffix%3a%28com%29&start=0&rows=10&sort=score+desc&fl= %2cscore&hl=true&hl.fragsize=200&hl.simple.pre=%3cstrong%3e&

vba - How to make Excel doesn't truncate 0's in formatting decimal numbers? -

suppose have following random numbers in notepad: 1.19 0.040 10.1123 23.110 21.223 2.35456 4.0 10234.0009 456798.7500 123 34.560 40060 33.7876 if copy numbers above , paste them in excel, number formats change this 1.19 0.04 10.1123 23.11 21.223 2.35456 4 10234.0009 456798.75 123 34.56 40060 33.7876 i intend copy-paste numbers without changing original formats, examples: 0.040 keeps 0.040, not 0.04; 4.0 keeps 4.0, not 4; 456798.7500 keeps 456798.7500, not 456798.75; , on. i'm aware can use conditional formattings like if condition_1 cells(...).numberformat = "0.00" elseif condition_2 cells(...).numberformat = "0.000" ... else result_else end if or use select ... case statement , problems these methods are: the code can lengthy , looks messy. if numbers change, conditionals must change, too. so question is: how make excel doesn't truncate 0's in end of decimal numbers? p.s. want keep values numbers, not...

java - Why should SwingUtils.invokeAndWait() method be called outside an EDT thread? -

edit : have referred link , i'm able understand codeflow of invokelater. question is, why logic implemented way? there specific reasons? following code: private void init() { jframe jfr = new jframe(); jfr.setsize(500, 500); jfr.setvisible(true); jfr.settitle("test"); jbutton jb = new jbutton("ok"); jfr.add(jb); jb.addactionlistener(new actionlistener() { @override public void actionperformed(actionevent e) { try { swingutilities.invokeandwait(new runnable() { @override public void run() { system.out.println("hello"); } }); } catch (exception e1) { e1.printstacktrace(); } } }); first question (while using invokeandwait ...

regex - Using regular expressions to locate line comments without spaces -

i tried find comments beginning // don't have space after slashes. want select only slashes. no whitespace or text before that, no whitespace or text after that. far i've reached [\s].(\/\/(?! )) catches space before slashes well. basically wanna make sure line comments have space after slashes. i'm trying either in javascript or in text editor. since javascript doesn't have lookbehind feature, can't. the workaround (for instance, in replacement context) use capture group character before 2 slashes , start replacement string reference group ( '$1replacement' ): ([^/\s]|^)//(?! )

javascript - Protractor screenshot tests error code 105 -

protractor tests running till messed around config.js file include screenshot testing. errors running protractor conf.js c:\users\hhhhhh\mmmm\tests\e2e>protractor conf.js [10:50:13] e/configparser - error code: 105 [10:50:13] e/configparser - description: failed loading configuration file conf.js c:\users\hhhhhh\appdata\roaming\npm\node_modules\protractor\built\configparser.js:130 throw new exitcodes_1.configerror(logger, 'failed loading configuration file ' + filename);` package.json { "name": "e2e", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "yup yup yup", "main": "conf.js", "dependencies": { "protractor-jasmine2-screenshot-reporter": "^0.3.1", "protractor": "3.3.0" }, "scripts": { "test": "echo \"error: no test specified\" && exit 1" ...

python - Handling time consuming requests in Flask-UWSGI app -

am running app flask , uwsgi , nginx. uwsgi set spawn out 4 parallel processes handle multiple requests @ same time. have 1 request takes lot of time , changes important data concerning application. so, when 1 uwsgi process processing request , others busy, fifth request have wait. problem here cannot change request run in offline mode changes important data , user cannot remain unknown it. best way handle situation ? as option can following: separate heavy logic function being called upon @route , move separate place (a file, function, etc) introduce celery run pieces of heavy logic (it processed in separate thread @route-decorated functions). quick way of doing using redis message broker. schedule time-consuming functions @route-decorated functions in celery (it possible pass parameters well) this way http requests won't blocked complete function execution time.

html - Image height and width in HtmlAgility.HtmlNodeCollection c# -

i downloading whole site html tags , assigned htmlagility.htmlnodecollection c#. filtering image src in html. this code: string responsefromserver = string.empty; uri url = new uri(requestedurl); using (webclient wc = new webclient()) { responsefromserver = wc.downloadstring(url); } htmldocument htmldoc = new htmldocument(); htmldoc.loadhtml(responsefromserver); so, there way image height , width or element height , width using htmlnodecollection class? read : replace "src" "width" , "height"

swing - Java application insists on opening a class that doesn't exist? -

my application has button, when clicked, opens jframe class ( classb ) display message. worked fine following code: private void btnclickactionperformed(java.awt.event.actionevent evt) { classb cb = new classb(); cb.setvisible(true); } but decided away jframe class , display message on current jframe. problem when click on btnnext button, still tries open classb though code has been deleted and class has been deleted. i have gone through every line of code , there no trace of classb existing. there's no reason application classb yet does. why doing , can fix this? here exception error comes in stack trace: exception in thread "awt-eventqueue-0" java.lang.noclassdeffounderror: mypackage/classb @ mypackage.mainframe.btnnextactionperformed( @ mypackage.mainframe.access$200( @ mypackage.mainframe$3.actionperformed( @ javax.swing.abstractbutton.fireactionperformed(abstractbutt...

Displaying an img from database using Codeigniter -

is there way display blob image database ? i've tried not working: <?print'<img src="data:image/jpeg;base64,. base64_encode($img["imag"])"> '; ?> echo '<img src="data:image/jpeg;base64,'.base64_encode( $img['imag'] ).'"/>'; try this

angularjs - Using https rather than http in angular to get data from server -

my application has following architecture, an angular 1.5 application has service sends request 1 of endpoints on server. the request received nginx server if http request redirected https server. then nginx server redirects request upstream node server. in angular use http service send , post request. i don't know if request along data travelling encrypted https protocol or plain text http protocol angular server , back.can please clarify going on, data might contains personal details of user , important encrypted. this question asks same not answered properly. thank you. you can force $http use https ensuring url formatted correctly. var req = { method: 'post', url: 'https://localhost/api/v1/users', // note: https specified headers: { 'content-type': undefined }, data: { test: 'test' } } angularjs docs - $https

Errors while trying to use pip on OpenShift -

i getting following error both when using git , when logging in via rhc , try install requirements file: the directory '/var/lib/openshift/***/.cache/pip/http' or parent directory not owned current user , cache has been disabled. please check permissions , owner of directory. if executing pip sudo, may want sudo's -h flag. using pip version 7.1.0, version 8.1.2 available. should consider upgrading via 'pip install --upgrade pip' command. i not trying install sudo . trying is: log via rhc , and ssh: rhc ssh 'app' activate venv: source $openshift_python_dir/virtenv/bin/activate pip install -r "$openshift_repo_dir" requirements.txt note $openshift_python_dir , $openshift_repo_dir environment variables given openshift access relevant folders. any ideas? on python 2.7 cartridge. openshift automatically install dependencies based on requirements.txt file. shouldn't ssh app , yourself. you can find more information ...

entity framework - `DbContext.Database.BeginTransaction` can't be nested? -

i'm trying ef6-way of using transactions , noticed following code using (db.database.begintransaction()) { // using (db.database.begintransaction()) { /// } } throws exception on second begin transaction telling me that the connection in transaction , cannot participate in transaction. entityclient not support parallel transactions. not want parallel transaction , whatever mean on 1 connection. wanted nested one. so indeed not supported on what's going on? prior ef6 recommended way of providing larger scope transactions use transactionscope object, still works, seems deprecated (see here - bottom of page)

javascript - Multiple Instances of the Same Component in React-Redux -

how can have multiple instances of same container component in react-redux? if send unique data each of component gets data of last component store updated using values. eg - <containerinstance1 data={data1}/> <containerinstance2 data={data2}/> container instance 1 data store modified container instance 2 while rendering. how use can data correctly? it sounds have issues, possibly in reducer - data1 , data2 in fact same object. make sure not mutating state, instead returning new state object reducers. if 2 data objects above truely not same data object - there no reason why above shouldn't work think should. in other words, there isn't issue code above, rather somewhere else.

OPC Missing data change -

i'm registering group of variablse opc da server. if modifies items on server (example: disable 1 item , enable after minutes), cannot receive update when tag newly enabled. tested on kepware server doing this: define tag "const variable" connect server , register tag change function "random generation" (the server not disconnect client) the client not receive value but disconnect client reconnect client -> obtain random values is there way avoid behaviour? not accademic question: in real life make maintenance part of plant without closing server: when puts full plant online, client not receiving changes. i suppose type of changes results in new opc handle , if i'm registred old one, never receive value change. there common way workaround this? have monitor event? had issue? thanks.

token - Using bigram using Stanford NLP in java -

i using stanford nlp api document collection , code used tokenization ptbtokenizer<corelabel> ptbt = new ptbtokenizer<>(reader, new corelabeltokenfactory(), ""); while (ptbt.hasnext()) { corelabel token =; string word = token.get(textannotation.class); } this code delimited on white space. mean convert words alarm activated in 2 words alarm , activated. guess bigram solve problem not sure how use here. can body suggest thing use bigram ptbtokenizer or how use bigram in tokenization using stanford nlp.

php - Codeigniter keep selected language -

i have codeigniter application default language english , have tow anchor switch language english. the problem when switch language english eg:arabic same page changing when go page english again. my_lang.php <?php (defined('basepath')) or exit('no direct script access allowed'); // originaly codeigniter i18n library jérome jaglale // //modified tobin thomas class my_lang extends ci_lang { /************************************************** configuration ***************************************************/ // add languages here private $languages = array( 'en' => 'english', 'ar' => 'arabic' ); // special uris (not localized) private $special = array ( 'admin', 'assets', 'editor' ); // redirect if no language in uri private $uri; private $default_uri; private $lang_code; /********************************...

java - Spring Jackson JsonViews - Get Fields based on JsonView -

i've got entity number of fields , jsonview specified: public class client { @jsonview(views.clientview.class) @column(name = "clientid") private long clientid; @jsonview(views.clientview.class) @column(name = "name") private string name @jsonview(views.systemview.class) @column(name = "istest") private boolean istest; ......... } the views defined follows: public class views { public interface systemview extends clientview { } public interface clientview { } } i have simple controller in order update client. since field istest set systemview , don't want client update field. i've read in order posts, has done manually first loading client , updating parameters accordingly (in case clientid , name ). now want list of fields need update (i.e. fields marked jsonview views.clientview.class ). i've tried following it's not working: objectreader reader = objectmapper.readerwith...

android - Set buttons ids with Custom Adapter -

which better way create vertical lineal layout 4 or more buttons in each row the problems have face following: setting id of each button manually result in lot of repetitive code, more resources usage , have change add feature or change (i think using adapter efficient way, but...) from know using customadapter don't set unique id buttons can use adapter set different id each button dipending of row? example: second button of third row: r3b2 fifth button of first row: r1b5 thanks. you can create buttons programmatically in our activity class this linearlayout layout = (linearlayout) view.findviewbyid(; // layout in u want display buttons layout.setorientation(linearlayout.vertical); int count = 1; (int = 0; < 5; i++) { // = row count linearlayout row = new linearlayout(getactivity()); row.setlayoutparams(new linearlayout.layoutparams(linearlayout.layoutparams.match_parent, linearlayout.layoutparams.wrap_conte...

iphone - Create iOS App using Apple iOS Provisioning Portal -

i'm trying create ios app using apple ios provisioning portal make push notifications in ios. do need make join apple developer program able create new ios app? how can open certificates, identifiers & profiles window able create new ios app? any ideas me please. i hope helps apple documentation

laravel - Querying with Eloquent - Achieve Join -

how select records db situation below using eloquent tables: employee table [ id,name] address table [id,address_line1,employee_id,city_id] city table [id,name] a query below return city id, need city name well $employee = employee::with('address')->get(); and employee model have relationship public function address(){ $this->hasmany('address'); } how achieve desired result output of query should give me city name city table, based on id address table, without running new query each city id names

javascript - Create directories and files from a template for rapid development with node/npm -

i trying setup shortcut generate new components. example if had bunch of react or angular components had particular dir/file structure , included sample code new component. there way node? it's quite time consuming keep adding same directories , files whenever need create new component. i in convoluted workable way bash , aliasing use node, ie. npm run component mynewcomponent 'mynewcomponent' act function name within mynewcomponent.js file etcetc i have example directory structure templated somewhere node pick or have hardcoded in node script file itself. yeoman generators, achieve purely through node/node modules , full control on code output , locations.

reactjs - Component is updating when previous props are equal to the next props -

in simple todo list application, have filterscontainer component, provides props filters component: // filterscontainer.js import { connect } 'react-redux'; import { setvisibilityfilter } '../actions'; import filters '../components/filters'; function mapstatetoprops(state) { const { visibilityfilter } = state.todos; // `visibilityfilter` variable value - 'show_all'. return { filters: [{ title: 'all', value: 'show_all', active: visibilityfilter === 'show_all', }, { title: 'completed', value: 'show_completed', active: visibilityfilter === 'show_completed', }, { title: 'active', value: 'show_active', active: visibilityfilter === 'show_active', }], }; } function mapdispatchtoprops(dispatch) { return { onfilterclick(value) { dispatch(setvisibilityfilter(value)); }, }; } export defau...

Cartopy - multiple arrows using annotate -

using this solution base, possible create multiple arrows emanating same source different targets? e.g. delhi -> beijing (116.4, 39.9), delhi -> cairo (30.0, 31.2), delhi -> tokyo (35.6, 139.6)? when repeat code below, first arrow. #dehli - beijing ax.annotate('beijing', xy=(116.4, 39.9), xycoords=transform, size=40, ) ax.annotate('delhi', xy=(113, 40.5), xytext=(77.23, 28.61), size=40, arrowprops=dict(facecolor='red', ec = 'none', arrowstyle="fancy", connectionstyle="arc3,rad=-0.2", ), xycoords=transform, ) #dehli - cairo ax.annotate('cairo', xy=(-6.26, 53.34), xycoords=transform, size=40, ) ax.annotate('delhi', xy=(113, 40.5), xytext=(77.23, 28.61), size=40, arrowprops=dict(...

php - How can I get the SearcIDs of different searchNames using javascript -

can me sort problem out? i'd id of searchname each time user checks checkbox. want pass value of php line $search_row->searchid id in input if possible. sorry if question wrongly asked. please help!!! <li class="treeview"> <a href="#"> <i class="active fa fa-search"></i> <span>searches</span> <i class="fa fa-angle-left pull-right"></i> </a> <ul class="treeview-menu"> <li style="padding-left: 10px;"> <input type="checkbox" id="selectall" onclick='selectall(this.checked)'> <span style="color: #fff; ">select all</span> </li> <?php foreach ($query $search_row){ ?> <li style="padding-left: 10px;"> <input type="checkbox" id="s...

android - How to set Image In Adapter when we have name of file and it is in assets folder? -

i have image file name, , wanted set in layout in adapter, using recycle view. { "formules": [ { "title": "freecharge", "imagename": "freerecharge.jpg", "description": "get 3% cashback on bill payments of `50 or more + 1.2% cashback us", "expiry_date": "valid till 12 jul 2016" }, { "title": "airtel", "imagename": "airtel.jpg", "description": "flat 5% off on airtel postpaid bill payments & airtel prepaid recharges made through airtel money + upto 3.85% cashback from", "expiry_date": "valid till 31 jul 2016" }, { "title": "cleartrip", "imagename": "ctrip.jpg", "description": "flat 25% cashback on domestic hotels + upto `340 cashback us", "expiry_date...

javascript - First redraw by search datatables jquery -

hi , first sorry english. problem have table (jquery datatable) , loaded data correctly. associated table have google map markers, , operation sought when click on marker map corresponding infobox (this works) open , edit image in table (this problem). when other way around, table click, works perfect (open infobox , modifies image). strange thing when first "redraw" in table (eg seek element), , click on map marker, , works: -s there event i'm missing? in advance. i find error, library of datatables (scroller) bad referenced. don't need it, delete , works. sorry inconvenients.

html - Solving conflicting CSS. How to add selector? -

i developing little module personal use inside existing webapp. (fyi, whmcs). style module output, i'm using a template . however, looks css stylesheets conflicting original (from webapp), , module css applied webapp (which screws view completely. as far aware, solve adding div module output pages, this <body> <!-- main navbar --> <div class="navbar navbar-inverse bg-indigo"> <div class="navbar-header"> <a class="navbar-brand" href="index.html"><img src="../modules/addons/webcanyonerp/assets/images/logo_light.png" alt=""></a> <ul class="nav navbar-nav pull-right visible-xs-block"> <li><a data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#navbar-mobile"><i class="icon-tree5"></i></a></li> </ul> </div> <div cl...

git - Clone GitHub repository in VSCode -

i'm trying clone github repository newest release of vscode (1.3.0). can done natively or need add extension or additional binary? i've searched blog article , coming empty handed guidance appreciated paul starting 1.8 (november) update of vscode can clone git repository within vscode. you can execute command palette . press f1 (or ⇧ + ⌘ + p on mac) , search git: clone . confirm command , paste repository url.

Form based authentication in Jboss AS -

i looking enabling form-based authentication tutorial , question is: my web.xml : <login-config> <auth-method>form</auth-method> <form-login-config> <form-login-page>/login.html</form-login-page> <form-error-page>/error.html</form-error-page> </form-login-config> </login-config> questions: should create common login page login.html ? should contain post form ? post (i mean action servlet form is)? as written in tutorial provided: the server recognizes form authentication requests when uri ends /j_security_check , @ least j_username , j_password parameters exist. so login screen suppose like: <h3>login form</h3> <form action="j_security_check" method="post"> email:<input type="text" name="j_username"/><br/><br/> password:<input type="password" name="j_password"...

java - DateTimeFormatterBuilder with specified parseDefaulting conflicts for YEAR field -

i have following formatter: datetimeformatter formatter = new datetimeformatterbuilder() .appendpattern("yyyymm") .parsedefaulting(chronofield.second_of_minute, 0) .parsedefaulting(chronofield.minute_of_hour, 0) .parsedefaulting(chronofield.hour_of_day, 0) .parsedefaulting(chronofield.day_of_month, 1) .parsedefaulting(chronofield.month_of_year, 1) .parsedefaulting(chronofield.year, .toformatter() .withzone(zoneid.systemdefault()); i try parse string "201505" system.out.println(zoneddatetime.parse("201505", formatter)); and throws exception: caused by: java.time.datetimeexception: conflict found: year 2016 differs year 2015 it works if comment out setting of default value year. as far understood documentation, should try replace default value if there no value parsed. seems works month have different month default 1 parsed. doesn...

Extract to sqlite db from R: Renaming row_name column -

i'm writing sqlite db r using following command: dbwritetable(con, 'topics',, row.names = na, overwrite = false, append = true, field.types = null) i following table in sqlite: how can rename row_names attribute? the df [] snippet is: this row.names argument dbwritetable for: set character value rename column, set null avoid writing altogether. explore guessrowname() function in dbi package other options.

c# - Accessing properties from Java Binding Library Interface in Xamarin -

i getting abstractmethoderror when trying x java.lang.object. class datamessagehandler : java.lang.object, iroutemanagermessagehandler { public void process(message p0) { var message = p0; var cartesian = class.fromtype(typeof(cartesianfloat)); var value = (icartesian)message.getdata(cartesian); var x = value.x(); } } where cartesianfloat implementation of icartesian. icartesian: [global::java.interop.javatypeparameters (new string [] {"t extends java.lang.number"})] public partial interface icartesian : ijavaobject { // metadata.xml xpath method reference: path="/api/package[@name='']/interface[@name='cartesian']/method[@name='x' , count(parameter)=0]" [register ("x", "()ljava/lang/number;", ", metawearandroid")] global::java.lang.object x ();...

java - Overriden implementations of equals() and compareTo() never got called -

i need able sort user objects based on first name , last name. overrided compareto() method part of comparable interface. however, when use collections.sort(users) , users arraylist of user objects, overrided implementation of compareto() never gets called. similarly, overrided equals() check equality of various fields in user ; name, address, email address, etc. overrided implementation never called either users.remove(thisuser) . here code overriden methods: public class user implements comparable<user> { [other methods , fields go here] @override public int compareto(user auser) { system.out.println("comparing....."); return (this.lastname.compareto(auser.getlastname()) < 0 ? -1 : this.lastname.compareto(auser.getlastname()) > 0 ? 1 : this.firstname.compareto(auser.getfirstname()) < 0 ? -1 : this.firstname.compareto(auser.getfirstname()) > 0 ? 1 : 0); } @ove...

react native - RCTRefreshControl may only be managed by a UITablewViewController -

i'm getting following ugly error while trying implement refreshcontrol on scrollview in react native application: here's i'm rendering: return ( <view style={styles.container}> <scrollview refreshcontrol={ <refreshcontrol refreshing={this.state.refreshing} onrefresh={this._onrefresh}></refreshcontrol>} style={styles.scrollview}> {renderfeeditems()} </scrollview> </view> ); any ideas? "react-native": "^0.21.0" fixed upgrade react-native 0.29.0