WSO2 Log4J RollingFileAppendeder does not work in wso2esb-4.8.1 -

we using wso2esb-4.8.1.
default log4j properties uses


i want size based rolling file. per documentation @, following should trick.

##comment following ###log4j.appender.carbon_logfile=org.wso2.carbon.logging.appenders.carbondailyrollingfileappender ##add followng log4j.appender.carbon_logfile=org.apache.log4j.rollingfileappender log4j.appender.carbon_logfile.maxfilesize=10mb  log4j.appender.carbon_logfile.maxbackupindex=20 

but after these changes, logs rotating @ 10mb, 1 file maintained.

is known issue in wso2 esb 4.8.1 ?

this working cleanly in wso2 esb 4.9.0.

however, not have option upgrade since of other features need broken there. simulated log rotation behavior in wso2 task. refer understand how write sample wso2 task.

this code

import; import; import; import; import java.nio.channels.filechannel; import java.util.arraylist; import java.util.arrays; import java.util.collections; import; import java.util.list;  import org.apache.commons.logging.log; import org.apache.commons.logging.logfactory; import org.apache.synapse.managedlifecycle; import org.apache.synapse.core.synapseenvironment; import org.apache.synapse.task.task;  public class logfilebackuptasksample implements task, managedlifecycle  {     private static final log log = logfactory.getlog(logfilebackuptask.class);     private synapseenvironment synapseenvironment;      // default, program assumed run wso2 home folder     public static final string default_log_file_location ="repository/logs/";     public static final string wso2_log_file_name ="wso2carbon.log";     // if value not provided logfilesizeinmbstr, backup of log file size happen after reaches 100 mb     public static final int default_log_file_size_in_mb =100;     // if value not provided noofbackupfiles, 20 files backed up.     public static final int default_backup_files_number =20;     public static final int mb_to_bytes=1024 *1000;      private string loglocation;     private int logfilesizeinmb;     private string logfilesizeinmbstr;     private string noofbackupfiles;     private int noofbackupfilesint;       public void execute()      {         filechannel sourcechannel = null;         filechannel outchannel = null;         if(loglocation==null  || loglocation.trim().equals(""))         {             if(log.isinfoenabled())             {       "no log location provided. therefore using default location of "+default_log_file_location);             }             loglocation= default_log_file_location;         }         if(!loglocation.endswith("/") && !loglocation.endswith("\\"))         {             loglocation= loglocation+file.separator;          }         if(logfilesizeinmb==0)         {             if(log.isinfoenabled())             {       "no log file size in mb. therefore using default size of "+default_log_file_size_in_mb+" mb");             }             logfilesizeinmb= default_log_file_size_in_mb * mb_to_bytes;         }         string inputlogfilenamewithdirectory= loglocation+wso2_log_file_name;         file inputlogfilewithdirectory = new file(inputlogfilenamewithdirectory);         long currentlogsize=0;         boolean fileswapped= false;          try         {              currentlogsize = inputlogfilewithdirectory.length();                         if(currentlogsize> logfilesizeinmb)             {                 long currentdatelong = system.currenttimemillis();                 date  date = new date(currentdatelong);                 string outfilename= wso2_log_file_name+"."+date.tostring().replace(' ', '_').replace(':', '_');                 sourcechannel = new fileinputstream(inputlogfilewithdirectory).getchannel();                 file outfile = new file (loglocation+outfilename);                 outfile.createnewfile();                 outchannel = new fileoutputstream(outfile).getchannel();                 outchannel.transferfrom(sourcechannel, 0, currentlogsize);                 fileswapped= true;              }         }         catch(ioexception e)         {             log.error(e.tostring(),e);             throw new runtimeexception(e);         }                 {             if(sourcechannel!=null)             {                 try                 {                     sourcechannel.close();                 }                  catch (ioexception e) {                     // ignored                      log.error(e.tostring(),e);                 }             }             if(outchannel!=null)             {                 try                 {                     outchannel.close();                 }                  catch (ioexception e) {                     // ignored                      log.error(e.tostring(),e);                 }             }           }          filechannel sourcetruncatechannel = null;          try         {             if(fileswapped)             {                 sourcetruncatechannel = new fileoutputstream(inputlogfilewithdirectory).getchannel();                 sourcetruncatechannel.truncate(currentlogsize);             }         }         catch(ioexception e)         {             log.error(e.tostring(),e);             throw new runtimeexception(e);         }                 {              if(sourcetruncatechannel!=null)             {                 try                 {                     sourcetruncatechannel.close();                 }                  catch (ioexception e) {                     // ignored                      log.error(e.tostring(),e);                 }             }         }         if(fileswapped)         {             deletingoldfiles();          }     }      public void deletingoldfiles()      {          if(noofbackupfilesint==0)         {             if(log.isinfoenabled())             {       "noofbackupfiles 0. using default number of "+default_backup_files_number);             }             noofbackupfilesint= default_backup_files_number;         }         file[] listoffiles= new file(loglocation).listfiles();         list <timestampwisefile> listofwso2files = new arraylist<timestampwisefile>();         (int = 0; < listoffiles.length; i++)          {             if(listoffiles[i].getname().startswith(wso2_log_file_name)  && !listoffiles[i].getname().equals(wso2_log_file_name))             {                 listofwso2files.add(new timestampwisefile(loglocation, listoffiles[i].getname()));             }                        }         // no files delete in case.          if(listofwso2files.size()<=noofbackupfilesint)         {             return;         }         timestampwisefile[]   listofwso2filesarray = new timestampwisefile[listofwso2files.size()];         listofwso2filesarray=  listofwso2files.toarray(listofwso2filesarray);         // need in descending order old files arranged @ bottom of stack.         arrays.sort(listofwso2filesarray, collections.reverseorder());          int index=0;         (int = 0; < listofwso2filesarray.length; i++)          {             timestampwisefile timestampwisefile = listofwso2filesarray[i];             if(++index > noofbackupfilesint)             {                 string filename = timestampwisefile.getname();                 timestampwisefile.delete();                 if(log.isinfoenabled())                 {           "removed file  "+filename);                 }              }         }      }      public void destroy()      {     }      public void init(synapseenvironment synapseenvironment)      {         this.synapseenvironment = synapseenvironment;     }             public string getloglocation()          {             return loglocation;         }          public void setloglocation(string loglocation)         {             this.loglocation = loglocation;             if(loglocation== null || loglocation.trim().equals(""))             {                 if(log.isinfoenabled())                 {           "no log location provided. therefore using default location of "+default_log_file_location);                 }                 loglocation= default_log_file_location;             }         }          public string getlogfilesizeinmbstr()          {             return logfilesizeinmbstr;         }          public void setlogfilesizeinmbstr(string logfilesizeinmbstr)          {             this.logfilesizeinmbstr = logfilesizeinmbstr;             if(logfilesizeinmbstr== null || logfilesizeinmbstr.trim().equals(""))             {                 if(log.isinfoenabled())                 {           "no log file size in mb. therefore using default size of "+default_log_file_size_in_mb+" mb");                 }                 logfilesizeinmb= default_log_file_size_in_mb * mb_to_bytes;             }             else             {                  try                 {                     logfilesizeinmb= integer.parseint(logfilesizeinmbstr) * mb_to_bytes;                 }                 catch(numberformatexception e)                 {                     log.error("logfilesizeinmb not proper. if size 20mb, provide 20 2nd argument. due exception"                             + "using default size of "+default_log_file_size_in_mb+" mb");                     logfilesizeinmb= default_log_file_size_in_mb * mb_to_bytes;                 }              }          }          public string getnoofbackupfiles()          {             return noofbackupfiles;         }          public void setnoofbackupfiles(string noofbackupfiles)          {             this.noofbackupfiles = noofbackupfiles;             try             {                 noofbackupfilesint= integer.parseint(noofbackupfiles) ;             }             catch(numberformatexception e)             {                 log.error("noofbackupfiles not proper. proper proper integer value. due exception"                             + "using default number of "+default_backup_files_number);                 noofbackupfilesint= default_backup_files_number;             }         } } 

now add scheduled in master tenant. refer details on this.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <task xmlns=""       name="logfilebackuptask"       class="logfilebackuptask"       group="synapse.simple.quartz">    <trigger cron="0 0/1 * * * ?"/>    <property xmlns:task=""              name="noofbackupfiles"              value="20"/>    <property xmlns:task=""              name="logfilesizeinmbstr"              value="20"/>    <property xmlns:task=""              name="loglocation"              value="repository/logs/"/> </task> 


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