hashtable - Powershell v2.0 substitute null values from a Hash table -

i have hash table below:

$hash = @{ team1=$team1.count team2=$team2.count team3=$team3.count }   $groupbyteam = new-object psobject -property $hash |  select 'team1','team2','team3' | convertto-html -fragment 

this fine , each "team" returns own value. however, teams may have null value , wish substitute "0".

in attempt work out, have tried select null value first can't seem this:

$hash.values | select -property values   values ------ {1, 2} 


$hash.values | select -property values | {$_.values $null} 

doesn't pull anything. tried:

$hash.values | select -expandproperty values | {$_.values $null} 

any ideas?


your best option cast values int when creating hashtable:

$hash = @{   team1 = [int]$team1.count   team2 = [int]$team2.count   team3 = [int]$team3.count } 

if that's not possible reason go enumerator:

($hash.getenumerator()) | foreach-object {   if ($_.value -eq $null) { $hash[$_.name] = 0 } } 

or (as mathias suggested) use keys property same end:

($hash.keys) | foreach-object {   if ($hash[$_] -eq $null) { $hash[$_] = 0 } } 

note either way need use subexpression (or assign enumerated objects/keys variable) otherwise you'll error because you're modifying data structure while it's being enumerated.


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