C# deserialize Json based on condition -
{ "timeago": "6 minutes ago", "time": "07/11/2016 07:00 am", "alertid": 145928, "details": { }, "priority": 10, "type": 2, "isclosed": 0, "notescount": 0, "patientaccountid": 680, "isread": 0 }
i want deserialize json based on int value 'type', in such way, want details different types
public class notification { public string timeago { get; set; } public string time { get; set; } public int alertid { get; set; } public object details { get; set; } public int priority { get; set; } public int type { get; set; } public int isclosed { get; set; } public int notescount { get; set; } public int patientaccountid { get; set; } public int isread { get; set; } }
if type = 1, object 'details' of type a, if type = 2, 'details' of type b , on. there 25 values type.
so, later can like:
notification n = .... if (type == 1) { a = (a) n.details;
if json not have appropriate typing included in json, work.
this may need tweaking if actual structure more complex, managed work on sample.
var instance = newtonsoft.json.jsonconvert.deserializeobject<notification>( js, new itemconverter()); public class itema : item { } public class itemb : item { } public class item { } public class notification { public string timeago { get; set; } public string time { get; set; } public int alertid { get; set; } public item details { get; set; } public int priority { get; set; } public int type { get; set; } public int isclosed { get; set; } public int notescount { get; set; } public int patientaccountid { get; set; } public int isread { get; set; } } public class itemconverter : jsonconverter { private type currenttype; public override bool canconvert(type objecttype) { return typeof(item).isassignablefrom(objecttype) || objecttype == typeof(notification); } public override object readjson(jsonreader reader, type objecttype, object existingvalue, jsonserializer serializer) { jobject item = jobject.load(reader); if (item["type"] != null) { // save type later. switch (item["type"].value<int>()) { case 1: currenttype = typeof(itema); break; default: currenttype = typeof(itemb); break; } return item.toobject<notification>(); } // use last type read serialise. return item.toobject(currenttype); } public override void writejson(jsonwriter writer, object value, jsonserializer serializer) { throw new notimplementedexception(); } }
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