javascript - svg-insertAdjacentHTML is not working on firefox version 35 and below? -
i'm trying draw line using svg. used insertadjacenthtml
. working on chrome not working in firefox.
my html code follow
<div style="height:330px; width:1100px; background:#313131; margin:0 auto; "> <svg id='svg_main' height="330" width="1100"></svg> </div>
my javascript follow
var svgid = document.getelementbyid('svg_main'); var str_lne = 60; var data = '<path id="lineab" d="m 50 '+str_lne+' l 1050 '+(str_lne)+'" transform="translate(0.5,0.5)" stroke="#707073" fill="none" storke-width="1px" opacity="1" ></path>'; svgid.insertadjacenthtml('beforeend',data);
it doesn't run localhost on firefox(below 35).
for example,
i open firefox , enter url (localhost/svgtest.html) svg line not showing. but, save page ctrl+s , open firefox shows line.
please replace following:
svgid.insertadjacenthtml('beforeend', data);
with following:
console.log('svg\'s ns before insertion: ' + svgid.namespaceuri); svgid.insertadjacenthtml('beforeend', data); console.log('svg\'s ns after insertion: ' + svgid.namespaceuri); pathel = document.getelementbyid('lineab'); console.log('path\'s ns (after insertion): ' + pathel.namespaceuri);
try firefox 35 or below. see namespace of svg element before , after call insertadjacenthtml
, namespace of path element is, after has been inserted.
you try this jsfiddle, contains modification suggested above.
what encounter related this bug report. fix bug landed on firefox 36. , excluding firefox 36, messing inner html of svg element not respect element's deduced svg
namespace , elements inserted belong xhtml
namespace. regarded, then, html element, path element #lineab
make no sense , would, thus, disappear page. (here speculation), since inserted path element's namespace (xhtml
) not appear in dom, not saved when saving page. so, when opening saved page, path element's namespace correctly deduced (possibly inheriting svg element), resulting in svg appearing should.
a duplicate of bug report mentioned above this bug report , provided here more insight.
i tried approach suggested above in commercial cross-browser testing platform using vista , firefox 35 (i live dangerously) , console log svg
. using firefox 36 console log svg
what works in firefox 35 appending path svg this:
var svgid = document.getelementbyid('svg_main'); var str_lne = 60; var pathel = document.createelementns('', 'path'); pathel.setattribute('id', 'lineab'); pathel.setattribute('d', 'm 50 ' + str_lne + ' l 1050 ' + str_lne); pathel.setattribute('transform', 'translate(0.5,0.5)'); = '#707073'; = '1px'; svgid.appendchild(pathel);
jsfiddle here. is, create elements explicity , not insert html directly.
the million dollar question now. why care firefox 35 or below?
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