java - How can I access the property value of a running Thread -

i have thread run long time (5-6 min).

public class exportthread implements runnable {     private integer totalexport = 0;      @override     public void run() {         try {             exportcorner();         } catch (exception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }     }      private void exportcorner() {         list<myobject> list = ......         for(myobject o : list){             .......             totalexport++;         }     } } 

this thread runs class. how can totalexport again , again after small interval ?

simply adding getters thread class, @romankonoval said need synchronized

public class exportthread implements runnable {     private integer totalexport = 0;      @override     public void run() {         try {             exportcorner();         } catch (exception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }     }      private void exportcorner() {         list<integer> list = ......         for(integer : list){             totalexport += i;         }     }      public synchronized integer gettotalexport(){         return this.totalexport;     } } 

from other class can use that

import java.util.*;  public class mainclass {    public static void main(string[] args) {        exportthread exportthread = new exportthread();        thread t = new thread(exportthread);         t.start();         timertask timertask= new mytimertask(exportthread);       timer timer = new timer();        timer.scheduleatfixedrate(tasknew,new date(),1000);          }  } 

then may need implement timer task

public class mytimertask extends timertask {      private exportthread exportthread;     public mytimertask(exportthread exportthread){         this.exportthread = exportthread;     }     @override     public void run() {         system.out.println(exportthread.gettotalexports());     } } 


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