excel - Copy cells formulas VBA -
i did program in vba copy formulas in each cell in specific column, have 30501 points , program slow calculate 100 points, there better way so?
sub copyformulas() dim integer dim cell range dim referencerange range dim string = "$t$30510" set range1= activesheet.range("a1:a30510") set myrange = range("t16:t30510") = 16 until cells(20, 30510) range1 each cell in myrange if cell.hasformula cells(i, 35).value = cell.address cells(i, 36).value = "'" & cstr(cell.formula) = + 1 end if next end loop end sub
try adding following:
application.calculation = xlcalculationmanual application.screenupdating = false application.enableevents = false ... code ... application.calculation = xlcalculationautomatic application.screenupdating = true application.enableevents = true
you may need first one, practice in using. also, using with ... end with
statement? don't see use of in block.
it practice use option explicit
@ top of module. , range1
, myrange
not declared.
when worksheet accessed or range's precedents has changed, excel automatically recalculate formulas on worksheet. since looping on 30,000 times, causes excel recalculate each time through loop and, thus, slows down performance.
this line stops excel screen flashes , other things occur macro runs.
this line turns off events, such worksheet_change
, event not triggered. if not turned off time change occurs on worksheet code in change event run. if have worksheet_selectionchange
event code run every time select different cell. these events written in worksheet or workbook objects located in project window of vbe , there many events choose from. here simple illustration. place following in sheet1
object in project window:
private sub worksheet_selectionchange(byval target range) msgbox "hi!" end sub
now click around on worksheet. see responds each selection change. place following in regular module:
sub testenableevents() application.enableevents = false activecell.offset(1, 0).select application.enableevents = true end sub
when run above code message box not triggered.
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