python - A variable assigned to all rows of a column, enters a loop with only the value of the last row -


in code have written, variable entropy column of data.

when pass rows loop, last value considered:

to run code, necessary 2 files in folder:


# pressure enthalpy 2         3 5         4 3.5       2 


# entropies 0.5         0.2         0.47        

code included nested loop comments:

import numpy np    pressure_gibbs = open('pressure_gibbs_all_points.dat', 'w')   pressure_gibbs.write('#pressure    gibbs\n')  ## function:  def g(h,s): # g = h - ts  # then:   gibbs = h - 298.15 * s/4.0   return gibbs    open('entropies_parsed.dat') entropies_parsed, open('pressure_enthalpy_all_points.dat') enthalpy_pressure:  # open file # skip first line    line in entropies_parsed: # iterate on remaining lines       entropy = float(line)        line in enthalpy_pressure:         pressure, enthalpy = [float(n) n in line.split()]         gibbs = g(enthalpy, entropy)          pressure_gibbs.write('{}\t{}\n'.format (pressure, gibbs))  pressure_gibbs.close() 

this gives file, pressure_gibbs_all_points.dat:

#pressure    gibbs 2.0     -34.26875 5.0     -33.26875 3.5     -35.26875 

that gibbs = -34.26875 result of making 3 -298.15 * 0.5 / 4.0 , where: 3 = pressure (1st row of pressure_enthalpy_all_points.dat file) , 0.5 = entropy (1st row entropies_parsed.dat)

obviously wrong.... gibbs rows have same value because 2nd , 3rd rows of pressure_gibbs_all_points.dat have been generated 1st row of pressure_enthalpy_all_points.dat , 1st row of entropies_parsed.dat .

i can't see problem here, nth row of gibbs should generated nth rows of pressure_gibbs_all_points.dat , pressure_enthalpy_all_points.dat

there problem in looping .first loop execute , entropy variable hold final value in file . when enter second loop , print , see final entry of entropy. guess meant write nested loop there!


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