c# - NuGet has problems with missing packages, how to restore? -

when try compile program following error:

this project references nuget package(s) missing on computer. enable nuget package restore download them.  more information, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=317567.     

now when right click on solution , press

all packages installed , there nothing restore. 

i tried manually reinstalling every package didn't solve problem, tried reinstalling nuget didn't either , tried reinstalling visual studio.

i tried moving package folder tfs folder overwrite package folder didn't solve anything. tried redownloading them package missing, didn' t solve problem either.

anybody know how restore nuget packages?

use package manager console in visual studio run command.

1.this restore packages solution

nuget restore yoursolution.sln 

2.if want reinstall packages same versions installed

update-package -reinstall 


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