javascript - How to retrieve groupby sum field to show balloonText in Amchart -
i newbie in amcharts, please tell me doing wrong.
here javascript code.
var chartdata1 = []; generatechartdata(); function generatechartdata() { var month = new array(); month[0] = "jan"; month[1] = "feb"; month[2] = "mar"; month[3] = "apr"; month[4] = "may"; month[5] = "jun"; month[6] = "jul"; month[7] = "aug"; month[8] = "sep"; month[9] = "oct"; month[10] = "nov"; month[11] = "dec"; (var = 0; < 12; i++) { var monthname = month[i]; var year = "2016"; var newdateformat = monthname + " " + year ; var numofdocuments = math.round(math.random() * (10)); var amount = math.round(math.random() * (1000 + i)) + 500 + * 2; chartdata1.push({ chartcol: newdateformat, value: amount, volume: numofdocuments }); } } settimeout(function () { console.log(chartdata1); var chart = amcharts.makechart("chartdiv", { type: "stock", datasets: [ { title: "first data set", fieldmappings: [{ fromfield: "value", tofield: "value", }, { fromfield: "volume", tofield: "volume", }], dataprovider: chartdata1, categoryfield: "chartcol", color: ["#ff3300", "#000000"], }], panels: [{ showcategoryaxis: false, title: "value", percentheight: 70, stockgraphs: [{ id: "g1", title: "amount", valuefield: "value", comparable: false, bullet: "round", comparefield: "value", balloontext: "<div>"+ "<div>"+ "<div style='border:5px solid #3388ff; width:2px; display:inline-block; white-space:nowrap'>" + "</div>" + " amount:<b>[[value]]</b>" + "</div>" + "<br />" + "<div>" + "<div style='border:5px solid #ff3300; width:2px; display:inline-block; white-space:nowrap'>" + "</div>" + " number of documents:<b>[[volume]]</b>" + "</div>"+ "</div>" + "</div>", comparegraphballoontext: "amount:<b>[[value]]</b>", "usedatasetcolors": false, "linecolor": "#3388ff", }, { title: "documents", valuefield: "volume", showballoon: false, comparable: false, periodvalue: "open", comparefield: "volume", linealpha: 0, includeinminmax: false, }], stocklegend: { periodvaluetextcomparing: "[[percents.value.close]]%", periodvaluetextregular: "[[value.close]]" } }, { title: "volume", percentheight: 30, stockgraphs: [{ valuefield: "volume", type: "column", periodvalue:"open", showballoon: false, fillalphas: 1 }] } ], "categoryaxessettings": { "maxseries": 1, "grouptoperiods": ["mm"] }, chartscrollbarsettings: { graph: "g1" }, chartcursorsettings: { valueballoonsenabled: true }, datasetselector: { position: "left" }, "export": { "enabled": true } }); chart.validatedata(); }, 100)
my html code index.cshtml (default mvc page shared layout in _layout.cshtml had included reference js file shown above)
<script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <div id="chartdiv" style="width: 100%; height: 500px;"></div>
i able generate chart ballontext not containing value, can check image gettting shown in heading
instead of balloontext
use balloonfunction
balloonfunction: function(dataitem) { return "amount: <b>" + dataitem.datacontext.datacontext.value + "</b><br>" + "documents: <b>" + dataitem.datacontext.datacontext.volume + "</b>"; }
working demo:
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