wpf - c# xaml project with System.Management.Automation -
when adding code project.csproj use ps snapin , commands i'm encountering error during compilling:
cannot find type system.systemexception in module mscorlib.dll
can suppressed? or there no way?
include code:
<itemgroup> <reference include="system.management.automation" /> </itemgroup>
you can try delete reference, if necessary should consider automation library isn´t in global assembly cache need reference dll. in computer dll in path:
c:\program files (x86)\reference assemblies\microsoft\windowspowershell\3.0\
the reference in ".csproj" should like:
<reference include="system.management.automation, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35, processorarchitecture=msil"> <specificversion>false</specificversion> <hintpath>..\..\..\..\program files (x86)\reference assemblies\microsoft\windowspowershell\3.0\system.management.automation.dll</hintpath> </reference>
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