python - How to fix Selenium WebDriverException: "The browser appears to have exited" -
i got exception when want use firefox webdriver
raise webdriverexception "the browser appears have exited " webdriverexception: message: browser appears have exited before connect. if specified log_file in firefoxbinary constructor, check details.
i read this question , updated selenium, have same problem.
my code :
driver = webdriver.firefox() time.sleep(5) driver.get('')
i read this question
and have error
oserror: [errno 20] not directory exception attributeerror: "'service' object has no attribute 'process'" in <bound method service.__del__ of <selenium.webdriver.firefox.service.service object @ 0x407a690>> ignored
if you're running selenium on firefox 47.0, need update firefox 47.0.1 which not released in ubuntu's main repos.. have add ppa:
release notes:
"selenium webdriver may cause firefox crash @ startup"
once firefox 48.0 out, include fix. think ubuntu has skipped update because affects few users.
i can confirm error ff 47.0 , selenium 2.53, , can confirm upgrading ff 47.0.1 fixes error.
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