py.test - How do I get a pythonic list of all the pytest tests in a folder? -

something --collect, python , not cmd, returns list of paths. tried see how pytest , can't seem ro find it.


all collected tests stored attribute items of session. can access session object by

  1. session level fixture
  2. pytest plugins, example: pytest_runtestloop or pytest_sessionstart


@pytest.fixture(scope='session', autouse=true) def get_all_tests(request):     items = request.session.items     all_tests_names = [ item in items]     all_tests_locations = [item.location item in items]     # location tuple of (file_path, linenumber, classname.methodname) 

if want more info object session or item, of cause can read docs or source code, prefer use pdb.set_trace dig object.


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