How to auto rerun of failed action in oozie? -

how can re-run action failed in workflow automatically?

i know way rerun manually command line or thorough hue.

$oozie job -rerun ... 

is there parameter can set or provide in workflow retry automatically when action fails?

most of time, when action fails in oozie workflow, need debug , fix error , rerun workflow. there times, when want oozie retry action after interval, fixed number of times before failing workflow. can specify retry-max , retry-interval in action definition.

examples of user-retry in workflow action :

<workflow-app xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.5" name="wf-name"> <action name="a" retry-max="2" retry-interval="1"> ....  </action> 

you can find more information user-retry workflow actions in link.


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