cmd - How to execute a command line in C# -
i have problem executing command line in c#:
i try:
string mon_cmd=@"c:\windows\system32>consoletest.exe --asmrz c:\temp\test_cmd\image.jpg c:\temp\test_cmd\"; system.diagnostics.process.start("cmd.exe", @"/c ' mon_cmd'");
but error.
how can execute exact command?
provided consoletest.exe in c:\windows\system32 (which not seem idea that's topic)
string mon_cmd = @"c:\windows\system32\consoletest.exe"; string arguments = @"--asmrz c:\temp\test_cmd\image.jpg c:\temp\test_cmd\"; system.diagnostics.process.start(mon_cmd, arguments);
should job
and suggested cfrozendeath , nyerguds, if want use mon_cmd in string, have several options such as: build new string using + operator, stringbuilder or if on c#6 string interpolation:
string arguments = $"/c ' {mon_cmd}'";
(and don't need verbatim string one)
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