c# - ASP.NET Core Authenticating Clients (Console/WPF) -

i've searched far , wide working (simple) solution authentication in asp.net core date. sorry if have missed , if has provided solution, here comes question:

i've buil asp.net core mvc/api solution identity/ef cookieauthentication. can log in/out in mvc , set claims/roles user.

i have wpf client whom i'd authenticate , connect api. far have attempted use httpclient sign in same way in asp.net - signinmanager credentials. how persist session/cookie/token wpf client future httprequests authenticated through built in identity?

have tried deriving own webclient

public class myclient : webclient {     private readonly cookiecontainer _container = new cookiecontainer();      protected override webrequest getwebrequest(uri address)     {         httpwebrequest request = (httpwebrequest)base.getwebrequest(address);         if (request == null)             throw new invalidoperationexception("request == null");         request.automaticdecompression = decompressionmethods.gzip | decompressionmethods.deflate;         request.cookiecontainer = this._container;          ... // add required cookies here?         uri target = new uri("http://example.com");         this._container.add(new cookie("_spc", "aefec0ba-dc10-23e5-46f1-6b6e50c8837e") { domain = target.host });           return request;     } } 


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