reactjs - How to set up and subsequently cancel multiple watchers in redux-sagas -
just trying head around redux-sagas , running in problem setting 2 watchers in saga , subsequently cancelling them.
some background: have json editor component saga handles calls backend api load , save json schema. project based on react boilerplate , structure of application pretty same.
here relevant code:
export function* loadschemawatcher() { const action = yield take(load_schema) yield call(loadschema, action) } export function* saveschemawatcher() { while (true) { const action = yield take(save_schema) yield call(saveschema, action) } } export function* editordata() { const watcher = yield [ fork(loadschemawatcher), fork(saveschemawatcher) ] yield take(location_change) yield watcher.foreach(task => cancel(task)) } export default [ editordata, ]
i assumed yield watcher.foreach(task => cancel(task))
loop on array of tasks aren't being cancelled.
your code doesnt work because foreach
returns undefined. you'll have replace map
return array of cancel effects
yield => cancel(task))
you can use race
effect cancel whole array effect declaratively. note fork
has been replaced call
export function* editordata() { yield race([ [ call(loadschemawatcher), call(saveschemawatcher) ], take(location_change) ]) }
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