objective c - How can I enable access of NSURLCredentials when an iOS Device is locked? -
i using swagger generated swift client uses nsurlcredentials
authenticate server. using persistence type .permanent
app communicates server in background , works fine, except when lock phone (i see 401 errors in log). believe nsurlcredential
not able access keychain when phone locked. came across posts talk enabling keychain access using ksecattraccessibleafterfirstunlock
. haven't been able figure out how nsurlcredential
. know if , how can configured?
yes, that's happening, in likelihood. have couple of options:
- delete underlying keychain item , recreate it, specifying should accessible when device unlocked. don't need use
@ approach. create internet password item using keychain services apis , credential store should pick automatically. - keep credential data in memory, , implement
delegate method in session delegate (or equivalent method nsurlconnection if you're using api) provide credential when asked.
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