curl - Telegram Bot that takes data from input form and sends it to a telegram group/user -

i want friend. has simple site made html, javascript , jquery. needs integrate site telegram so, if fills form on site, telegram bot should send information in group chat (i know how take chat_id, nothing more telegram bots).

so tried send post requests curl bot sendmessage method, seems didnt worked.

maybe made mistake command line curl, doesnt show me output when make request. i`ve found sends output in stdout (whatever is...)

so have 2 questions:
1: how can make curl show response output in command line?
2: how make request send message myself (in telegram bot manual says should below..)

curl -s \ -x post \<token>/sendmessage \ -d text="a message bot" \ -d chat_id=65535 \ | jq . 

i assumed need write in cmd tried personal bot token , chat_id didnt work.

you can simple request make bot send message.<token>/sendmessage?text=your message here&chat_id=65535 

below sample code can make use of.

function sendmessage(){    chat_id = document.getelementbyid("chatid").value;    token = document.getelementbyid("token").value;    message = document.getelementbyid("message").value;    $.get(""+token+"/sendmessage?text="+message+"&chat_id="+chat_id);    }
<script src=""></script>    <input type="text" id="chatid" value="chat id"></br>  <input type="text" id="token" value="bot token"></br>  <input type="text" id="message" value="message"></br>  <button onclick=sendmessage()>send message</button>


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