bluetooth - Pairing two HC05 modules using arduino -
i want send integer values 1 arduino (nano) to arduino (mega2560). arduino nano have accelerometer connected continuously give integer values it. want send arduno mega2560. have tried many tutorials cant pair them. guide me pin 34, key pin etc matter. dnt know how used. have 2 hc05 bluetooth modules. having 6 pins, 1 state , en. please guide me through step step how automatically pair them when power on. in final year project please help.
for more easy fork need: 1. 2 serial->usb converters 2. 2 modules hc-05. 3. pc/laptop
you need configure 1 module master, - slave. , pairing them. purpose better use modules connected pc on usb->serial converter , terminal (teraterm, putty, etc) both modules.
good , sufficient guides:
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