php - How can I parse this json schema in Objective-c -

i have ios app seek station , , add fuel price.

i found opendata database, can't parse array "fields" , "price_e10", array "records".

here's example of json schema (i think it's multidimensional-array):

"records":[ { "datasetid":"prix_des_carburants_j_7", "recordid":"fa74ca1fdf6938333d2bc1013623b66771557b31", "fields":{ "price_e10":1.389, 

here example of code in objective-c :

nserror *e;     nsdictionary *dict = [nsjsonserialization jsonobjectwithdata:responsedata options: nsjsonreadingmutablecontainers error: &e];      nsarray *arrayresult =[dict objectforkey:@"records"];     arraysmpl = [nsmutablearray arraywitharray:arrayresult];      nslog(@" multiple array : %@ ",arrayresult);     rowsinsection = [arraysmpl count] + 1; 

thanks help

i considered data coming server.

nsdictionary *globaldict = [nsjsonserialization jsonobjectwithdata:data options:nsjsonreadingmutableleaves error:&error]; nsarray *recordsarray = [globaldict valueforkey:@"records"]; (nsdictionary *dict in recordsarray) {     nsdictionary *fieldsdict = [dict valueforkey:@"fields"];     nsstring *fuelprice = [fieldsdict valueforkey:@"price_e10"];     nslog(@"fuelprice: %@", fuelprice); } 

output : fuelprice: 1.389


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