.NET SOAP Client Using :Array -

i'm attempting add soap endpoint located here: http://ds.hitpromo.net/product

however following error:

scaffolding code ... error:error: cannot import wsdl:porttype detail: exception thrown while running wsdl import extension: system.servicemodel.description.xmlserializermessagecontractimporter error: datatype 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/:array' missing. xpath error source: //wsdl:definitions[@targetnamespace='urn:productcontrollerwsdl']/wsdl:porttype[@name='productcontrollerporttype'] error: cannot import wsdl:binding detail: there error importing wsdl:porttype wsdl:binding dependent on. xpath wsdl:porttype: //wsdl:definitions[@targetnamespace='urn:productcontrollerwsdl']/wsdl:porttype[@name='productcontrollerporttype'] xpath error source: //wsdl:definitions[@targetnamespace='urn:productcontrollerwsdl']/wsdl:binding[@name='productcontrollerbinding'] error: cannot import wsdl:port

detail: there error importing wsdl:binding wsdl:port dependent on. xpath wsdl:binding: //wsdl:definitions[@targetnamespace='urn:productcontrollerwsdl']/wsdl:binding[@name='productcontrollerbinding'] xpath error source: //wsdl:definitions[@targetnamespace='urn:productcontrollerwsdl']/wsdl:service[@name='productcontrollerservice']/wsdl:port[@name='productcontrollerport'] error: no endpoints compatible .net core apps found. error occurred in tool.

failed generate service reference.

as understand it, it's because .net's soap generation code doesn't understand include types xmlns:soap-enc="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" i've read manually including directions unclear (including other stackoverflow answers on subject), downloading wsdl , using import/include hasn't worked.

any ideas?

i tried given address http://ds.hitpromo.net/product , added service reference project without problems.

maybe adding web reference might out. can try "add service reference" => select "advanced" => select "add web reference" , add there.

in past adding endpoint web reference solved similar issues me.


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