php - Unexpected space at the begining of file -
for php courses have create note pad start sample text, when edit , click on save button, text inside file edited , saved. if refresh page / open file directly have new content edited user displayed.
it works, have unexpected space in file.
if put @ first character on first line "sample text", i'll not see "sample text" instead:
sample text
and that's first line, ever if edited file manually or page. next lines start @ first characters.
below notes.txt file (where notes are) after edit web page:
mes jeux préférés: => fallout 3 => natural selection 2 = 2; l4d2
i don't see strange character in @ beginning of file.
<?php define('fichier_de_notes', 'notes.txt'); $fichier = fopen(fichier_de_notes, 'r+'); if (array_key_exists('note', $_post)) { $note = filter_var($_post['note'], filter_sanitize_special_chars); ftruncate($fichier, 0); fseek($fichier, 0); fputs($fichier, $note); $updatemessage = 'vos notes ont été sauvegardés!'; } else { $note = ''; while ($ligne = fgets($fichier)) { $note = $note . $ligne; } } fclose($fichier); include 'index.phtml'; ?>
and index.phtml:
<html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>bloc note</title> </head> <body> <h1>bloc note</h1> <form method="post" action="index.php" > <p>voici votre bloc note. ajoutez-y du texte et cliquer sur "sauvegarder".</p> <textarea id="textarea" name="note" rows="16" cols="50"> <?= $note ?> </textarea> <br/><br/> <label> <input type="submit" value="sauvegarder"> </label> <?php if (isset($updatemessage)) { echo $updatemessage; } ?> </form> </body> </html>
i use vim , php5.
tell me if need more information.
either update html:
<textarea id="textarea" name="note" rows="16" cols="50"><?php echo $note ?></textarea>
or in php script:
if (array_key_exists('note', $_post)) { $_post['note'] = trim($_post['note']); //added line $note = filter_var($_post['note'], filter_sanitize_special_chars); ftruncate($fichier, 0); fseek($fichier, 0); fputs($fichier, $note); $updatemessage = 'vos notes ont été sauvegardés!'; } else { $note = ''; while ($ligne = fgets($fichier)) { $note = $note . $ligne; } }
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