matlab - Why dlmwrite eliminate colnames of matrix? -

im' new in matlab. have double matrix m this:

 3.4452e-10       3.727e-10  5.3276e-11      5.4956e-11 -4.5277e-12     -1.5932e-10  9.5572e-11     -2.9293e-11  4.8192e-11     -7.5237e-11 -1.0847e-10      3.5613e-11 

and gave name columane name data follow

 dataset({m, 'a','b'}) write folder using   dlmwrite('mynewfile',m) 

but when open mynewfile, see column names of matrix eliminated. knows how can keep column names when write in directory?

first, dataset deprecated, should use table instead.

second, matlab documentation:

dlmwrite(filename,m) writes numeric data in array m ascii format file

so write contents of matrices not non-numeric data.

you can use write first column headers in file , append data, or use matlab writing function handles text , numeric data


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