jquery - Pre populating Select2 using AJAX - "No Results Found" -

i've been following sample guide (http://rails-select2-example.herokuapp.com/) create select2 drop down search countries database.

however select box comes empty "no results found". why wont pick values js/ajax?

view (new.html.erb)

          <select class="form-control" id="country_select">           </select> 

controller (searches_controller.rb)

class searchescontroller < applicationcontroller before_action :require_user respond_to :html, :json      def new         @countries = country.all         respond_with @countries     end end 


  $('#country_select').select2({     theme: "bootstrap",     ajax: {       url: "<%= user_searches_path(format: 'json') %>",       datatype: "json",       results: function(data, page) {         return { results: $.map( data, function(country, i) {            return { id: country.id, text: country.name }          } ) }       }     }   }); 


resources :users     resources :searches   end 

searches migrate

class createsearches < activerecord::migration    def change       t.string :country    end       add_index :searches, [:user_id, :created_at]    end end 

instead of using ajax, search in country can directly use rails helper method

see below example :

in application_helper.rb file create 1 method :

def get_country   country.pluck(:name,:id) end 

in view file :

<%= f.select :country_select, get_country, {prompt: 'select country'} %> 

and lastly, add js code follows :

$("#country_select").select2({   placeholder: "select country" }); 


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