appium ios - FAILED: invokeApp org.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException: A new session could not be created -

import; import; import;  import org.openqa.selenium.remote.desiredcapabilities; import org.testng.annotations.test;  import;  public class demo {  androiddriver driver =null; desiredcapabilities capabilities; file app = new file("/data/app/");  @test public void invokeapp() throws malformedurlexception {     capabilities = new desiredcapabilities();     capabilities.setcapability("automationname", "appium");     capabilities.setcapability("paltformname", "android");     capabilities.setcapability("platformversion", "6.0.1");     capabilities.setcapability("devicenmae", "galaxy s6");      capabilities.setcapability("app", app.getabsolutepath());      capabilities.setcapability("apppackage","");     capabilities.setcapability("appactivity","");      driver = new androiddriver(new url(""), capabilities);  } 


when executing code getting following error:

failed: invokeapp org.openqa.selenium.sessionnotcreatedexception: new session not created. (original error: bad app: c:\data\app\\base.apk. app paths need absolute, or relative appium server.

the path application apk set incorrectly. need know file structure give exact answer, think wrong.

most trying provide application @ c:\path\to\my\project\data\app\\base.apk

if run appium in c:\path\to\my\project , try pass relative path apk, missing dot in appium test code. change path in code to

file app = new file("./data/app/");

to make work folder (absolute path) change code to

file app = new file("c:\path\to\my\project\data\app\\base.apk");

remember replace path\to\my\project real path using.


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