Overlaying text on video with required angle using FFMPEG -
i trying overlay text on video using ffmpeg. able overlay text bellow command.
ffmpeg -i input1.mp4 -filter_complex "[0:v]transpose=2[anticlockwiserotated];[anticlockwiserotated]drawtext=fontfile=../../public/fonts/roboto-regular-webfont.ttf: text='test text':x=100: y=50: fontsize=36: fontcolor=white:[textapplied];[textapplied]transpose=1" output_video.mp4
it allowing me overlay horizontally or vertically only.
but want append angle 45 degrees.
for if modify command as
ffmpeg -i input1.mp4 -filter_complex "[0:v]rotate=45*pi/180[anticlockwiserotated];[anticlockwiserotated]drawtext=fontfile=../../public/fonts/roboto-regular-webfont.ttf: text='test text':x=100: y=50: fontsize=36: fontcolor=white:[textapplied];[textapplied]rotate=315*pi/180" output_video.mp4
by getting overlay video as:
because in first rotating video 45 degrees, appending text , bringing original position. loosing borders.
please suggest me best way overlay text required angle on video.
thanks in advance.
basic method generate text on blank canvas, alpha layer text, rotating result , overlaying on main video.
in command below, a
should replaced angle. co-ordinates drawtext used in overlay instead. depending on length of text, of may clipped if you've rotated anticlockwise. check , adjust y offset accordingly.
ffmpeg -i input1.mp4 -filter_complex "color=black:100x100[c]; [c][0]scale2ref[ct][mv]; [ct]setsar=1,drawtext=fontfile=../../public/fonts/roboto-regular-webfont.ttf: text='test text':fontsize=36:fontcolor=white,split[text][alpha]; [text][alpha]alphamerge,rotate=a:ow=rotw(a):oh=roth(a):c=black@0[txta]; [mv][txta]overlay=x='min(0,-h*sin(a))+100':y='min(0,w*sin(a))+50':shortest=1" output_video.mp4
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