c# - How do I populate the listbox plugin item Name as it is set in the Plugin interface? -

when plugin buttons loaded, button gets populated name of iplugin interface asks in method string name { get; }

i’m trying listbox item populate name same way doing button.

enter image description here

private void assemblecomponents

private void assemblecomponents(object sender)         {             icollection<iplugin> plugins = genericpluginloader<iplugin>.loadplugins("plugins");                string selection = "";             if (sender listbox)             {                 if (((listbox)sender).selectedvalue != null)                     selection = ((listbox)sender).selectedvalue.tostring();              }              string path = system.io.path.combine(appdomain.currentdomain.basedirectory, "plugins");             directorycatalog cat = new directorycatalog(path);              //icollection<iplugin> plugins = pluginloader.loadplugins("plugins");                 foreach (var item in plugins)             {                 //add if not present                 if (!_plugins.containskey(item.name))                 {                     string dllname = getdllname(item.name);                       button b = new button()                      {                          name = dllname.replace(".", "").toupper(),                          content = item.name,                         visibility = system.windows.visibility.hidden                      };                      b.click += b_click;                     plugingrid.children.add(b);                      _plugins.add(item.name, item);                       // this.plugingrid.children.clear();                      //by vasey                  }             }               // make visible selected plugin button    foreach (var ctl in plugingrid.children)    {        if (ctl button)        {            button button = (button)ctl;             if (button.name.equals(selection.replace(".", "").toupper()))            {                 button.visibility = system.windows.visibility.visible;            }            else            {                 button.visibility = system.windows.visibility.hidden;            }        }    }         } 

string getdllname

    string getdllname(string name)     {         string ret = "";          name = name.replace(" ", ""); // strip spaces          assembly asm = appdomain.currentdomain.getassemblies().                singleordefault(assembly => assembly.getname().name == name);          if (asm != null)         {             ret = path.getfilenamewithoutextension(asm.location);           }          return ret;     } 

private void lbfiles_selectionchanged

    private void lbfiles_selectionchanged(object sender, selectionchangedeventargs e)     {         assemblecomponents(sender);       } 

how can implement this?


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