linux - Why does systemd keep killing my service -

i start interactive script systemd after has been reached. works far, however, systemd kills script after couple of seconds. systemd unit looks following:

[unit] description = interactive script requires = getty@tty1.service after = getty@tty1.service  [service] type = oneshot execstart = /usr/local/bin/my-script standardinput = tty standardoutput = tty ttypath = /dev/tty1 ttyreset = yes ttyvhangup = yes  [install] wantedby = 

within script there calls dialog, mount etc. nothing special interactive script. systemd keeps killing script , don't understand why. output of systemctl status interactive-script.service looks like:

● interactive-script.service - interactive script    loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/interactive-script.service; enabled)    active: inactive (dead) since tue 2016-06-28 10:18:07 utc; 14min ago  main pid: 364 (code=killed, signal=hup) 

and log output gotten journalctl -b -u interactive-script.service empty:

-- logs begin @ mon 2015-11-09 11:49:52 utc, end @ tue 2016-06-28 10:30:28 utc. -- 

i tried add killmode=none, no luck. tried timeoutstartsec=infinity - systemd complains doesn't understand therefore tried set 10000 script gets killed after seconds. tried run type=simple , type=forking, no avail.

the point starting script seems work fine (the dialogs appear) systemd keeps killing script. how can achieve systemd does not kill interactive script?


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