excel - Find and Replace Logic -

hi have specific excel sheet list of 100+ queries in column. queries of format below:

select mkt_id,sum(nrx) $$current_quarter_table datamonth = $$current_quarter_datamonth 

the $$ variables parameters intend replace on runtime. have mapping of these variables actual values in separate sheet in excel. like

variable|value $$current_quarter_table|bs_q3_sales $$current_quarter_datamonth|201606 

now how should find , replace in vba? doing achieve this:

dim rng range set rng = config_params.range("c5:q17") 'range of variable value mapping cnt = 38  each cl in rng     'rng2.replace what:= cl.value, replacement:=     replacestr = trim(config_params.cells(cl.row, 2) & "_" & config_params.cells(4, cl.column))     debug.print qry     debug.print replacestr     debug.print cl     tmp = replace(cstr(qry), cstr(replacestr), cstr(cl))    cnt = cnt + 1 next 

the values of variable used follows

sel  count(distinct customer_id) $$ihc_curr_raw_dump customer_id  null ,  cycl_time_id =$$ihc_prev_cycl_time $$ihc_curr_raw_dump ihc_exclusion_list 

is there anyother optimized method achieve this? other strategy may use. appreciated. please point existing solution. not find specific problem.


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