python - Built-in functions vs recursive functions -
i not mathematician, nor computer scientist - hobbyist programmer , trying teach myself python doing euler project problems. 1 of them requires use of factorial. wrote own calculation using recursive function , realised there built-in function use. having found thought see how quicker recursive function. surprise find slower.
does surprise anyone? curious.
i enclose code (and measure have included loop method comparison).
import math import time x = 50 def factorial(n): if n == 0: return 1 else: return n * factorial(n-1) secs = time.clock() print(math.factorial(x)) print ("the built-in function took {a:0.5f} seconds.".format(a = time.clock() - secs)) secs = time.clock() print (factorial(x)) print ("the recursive function took {a:0.5f} seconds.".format(a = time.clock() - secs)) secs = time.clock() factl = 1 in range (1,x+1): factl *= print (factl) print ("the loop method took {a:0.5f} seconds.".format(a = time.clock() - secs))
the built-in function took 0.00549 seconds.
the recursive function took 0.00299 seconds.
the loop method took 0.00259 seconds.
i took code , changed order in 3 methods tested, several times. noticed first method tested takes twice time second one.
i can't explain why, know can't measure function's performance 1 iteration. have repeat function multiple time , compute average time.
ipython comes handy 'magic method' timeit that:
print('math') %timeit math.factorial(x) print('factorial') %timeit factorial(x) print('loop') %timeit loopmethod(x)
slowest run took 33.62 times longer fastest. mean intermediate result being cached.
1000000 loops, best of 3: 1.25 µs per loopfactorial
100000 loops, best of 3: 19.4 µs per looploop
100000 loops, best of 3: 7.87 µs per loop
the built-in function in average 10 times faster recursive function.
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