git - changes are not reflecting pushing to main site -
we using multiple devolopment sites , once changes in devolopment site ,we push changes main site.
my changes not reflecting once push changes using below command :
git push staging development
my site site 1, pushed site 4 . changes done working fine in site 1 , not reflecting in site4. code chnaged not moved site4.
ex: if change code in form.html file, code not moving site 4. added normaal text, not copying site4.
edit 2 - git config.file
[core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "staging"] url = gituser@ fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/staging/* [branch "development"] remote = staging merge = refs/heads/development
even though pushed repository, haven't updated head pointer. you'll need checkout or reset on remote that. it's kind of did fetch. should setting git hook deployment automate task.
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