android - How to upload a Video file to Twitter -

there many questions unfortunately not answered , outdated upload video twitvid how upload video twitter in android application? best way upload video on twitter

i'm using twitter4j upload image , working when use same code upload video , message tweeted , there no video

statusupdate statusupdate = new statusupdate(message); statusupdate.setmedia(files[0]); status status = twitter.updatestatus(statusupdate); 

also don't know if twitvid still available because tried download doesn't exist fabric twitter kit, supported upload video ?? because didn't find thing on documentation.

you can user tweetcomposer sharing twitter.

tweetcomposer.builder builder = new tweetcomposer.builder(mcontext)                         .text(status)                         .image(videouri);        ; 

careful while sharing uri in 24 n above , uri should


in format.


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