javascript - India states map in Google geomaps -

i create interactive geo map. have created world map

region: 'world', displaymode: 'regions' 

and created map india markers

region: 'in', domain: 'in', displaymode: 'markers', 

now need create map india regions instead of markers.
here problem markers:-

i have created there states missing in uttarakhand, chhatisgarh , telangana. can that, here link jsfiddle showing map indian states fiddle map

the map works, names can wrong. recommend use iso codes avoid problems:

you can create data in way:

  var data = google.visualization.arraytodatatable([     ['state code', 'state', 'population'],     ['in-ut', 'uttarakhand', 10116752],     //rest of states   ]); 


tell me if helps you.


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