layout - How can I rotate image view during pathAnimation in android? -

i first setting path through coordinates using path.lineto() function.

now animating image view on final path using value animator. above api 21

pathanimator = objectanimator.offloat(monsterimage, "x", "y", path); 

for api 11+ used this:

pathanimator = valueanimator.offloat(0.0f, 1.0f);             pathanimator.addupdatelistener(new valueanimator.animatorupdatelistener() {                 float[] point = new float[2];                  @override                 public void onanimationupdate(valueanimator animation) {                     float val = animation.getanimatedfraction();                     pathmeasure pathmeasure = new pathmeasure(path, false);                     pathmeasure.getpostan((pathmeasure.getlength() - 1) * val, point, null);                     monsterimage.setx(point[0]);                     monsterimage.sety(point[1]);                 }             }); 

but want whenever animation changes direction should rotate image. i.e. each line rotate image 90 degree clockwise.

how can this?


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