javascript - How to get data from MongoDB to simple array using Node.JS and Mongoose? -

let's mongodb schema:

    var shopschema = new mongoose.schema({         nameshop: string,         products: [             {                 type: mongoose.schema.types.objectid,                 ref: 'product'             }]     });      var productschema = new mongoose.schema({         nameproduct: string,         fruits: [             {                 type: mongoose.schema.types.objectid,                 ref: 'fruit'             }         ]     });      var fruitschema = new mongoose.schema({         namefruit: string,         price: number     });  module.exports = {     shop: mongoose.model('shop', shopschema),     product: mongoose.model('product', productschema),     fruit: mongoose.model('fruit', fruitschema) } 

i know can data in way, result of code "ugly" array

var schema = require('../model/schema');{}).populate({         path: 'products',         model: 'product',         populate: {             path: 'fruits',             model: 'fruit'         }     }).exec(callback); 

is possible data schema in way have nice array? e.g.:

var myarray = [                   { nameshop: "tesco", nameproduct: "new", namefruit: "apple", price: 10 },                   { nameshop: "tesco", nameproduct: "new", namefruit: "pinapple", price: 4 },                   { nameshop: "eko", nameproduct: "old", namefruit: "kiwi", price: 8 },                   { nameshop: "makro", nameproduct: "fresh", namefruit: "pear", price: 7 },                   { nameshop: "carefour", nameproduct: "new", namefruit: "orange", price: 6 }               ]; 

enter image description here

you go aggregation framework route, has capacity flatten arrays through $unwind operator. generate new record each , every element of list data field on unwind applied. flattens data.

after flattening data require $lookup operator "join" on products field products collection. repeat process nested fruits schema.

lets see example (untested) understand better

var schema = require('../model/schema');[     { "$unwind": "$products" },     {         "$lookup": {             "from": "products",             "localfield": "products",             "foreignfield": "_id",             "as": "product"         }     },     { "$unwind": "$product" },     { "$unwind": "$product.fruits" },     {         "$lookup": {             "from": "fruits",             "localfield": "product.fruits",             "foreignfield": "_id",             "as": "fruits"         }     },       {         "$project": {             "nameshop": 1,             "nameproduct": "$product.nameproduct",             "namefruit": "$fruits.namefruit",             "price": "$fruits.price",         }     } ]).exec(function (err, result){     if (err) throw err;     console.log(result); }) 

disclaimer: above untested code serves guide making couple of assumptions running code in test environment latest mongodb , mongoose versions support $lookup operator , can perform same aggregation query in mongo shell.


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