c# - how to change connection string db value app setting to web config -

currently mvc project.previous developer database connected app settings change web config

i have changed code appsettings webconfig

<appsettings> <add key="tickportalsql" value="server=;database=montage;user id=montage;password=pwd;trusted_connection=false;" /> </appsettings> 

this code change web config

<connectionstrings>        <add key="tickportalsql" value="server=;database=montage;user id=montage;password=pwd;trusted_connection=false;" />   </connectionstrings> 

previous developer using appsettingsreader

public abstract class homesqldbrepository     {         public string connectionstring { get; set; } = appsettingsreader.readstring("thenna");         const int maxitemcount = 1000;         public enum sqlexecutetype         {             scalar, nonquery, reader         }         public async task<string> executesqlasync(string procname, sqlexecutetype executiontype, idictionary<string, string> parameters)         {             string ret = "";              using (sqlconnection sqlconn = new sqlconnection(connectionstring))             {                 using (sqlcommand sqlcmd = new sqlcommand(procname, sqlconn))                 {                     sqlcmd.commandtype = commandtype.storedprocedure;                     foreach (keyvaluepair<string, string> kvp in parameters)                     {                         sqlcmd.parameters.addwithvalue(kvp.key, kvp.value);                     }                     sqlconn.open();                     if (executiontype == sqlexecutetype.scalar)                         ret = (await sqlcmd.executescalarasync()).tostring();                     else if (executiontype == sqlexecutetype.nonquery)                         ret = (await sqlcmd.executenonqueryasync()).tostring();                     sqlconn.close();                 }             }              return ret;         } 

but getting error ex exception here code

using microsoft.azure;    public static class appsettingsreader     {         public static string readstring(string key)         {             try             {                 return cloudconfigurationmanager.getsetting(key).tostring();             }             catch(system.exception ex)             {                 throw ex;//error              }         }      public static int readint(string key)     {         try         {             return int.parse(cloudconfigurationmanager.getsetting(key).tostring());         }         catch (system.exception ex)         {             throw ex;         }     }      public static decimal readdecimal(string key)     {         try         {             return decimal.parse(cloudconfigurationmanager.getsetting(key).tostring());         }         catch (system.exception ex)         {             throw ex;         }     }      public static bool readbool(string key)     {         try         {             return bool.parse(cloudconfigurationmanager.getsetting(key).tostring());         }         catch (system.exception ex)         {             throw ex;         }     } } 

any 1 tell how change azure app settings read db web config db read? have tired many method getting error ..

change web.config to:

<connectionstrings>     <add name="tickportalsql"          value="server=;database=montage;userid=montage;password=pwd;trusted_connection=false;" /> </connectionstrings> 

and access string

var connectionstring  = configurationmanager.connectionstrings["tickportalsql"].connectionstring; 

source: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.configuration.configurationmanager.connectionstrings(v=vs.110).aspx


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