Unity With C# script : Class Data Type Passing Value From Class With Data Twice Weird -

i got simple question , weird passing value data type class variable.

the code below :

void additem(int id) {     (int = 0; < database.items.count; i++) {         if(database.items[i].itemid == id) {             itemxs = new item (database.items [i].itemname,                               database.items [i].itemid,                               database.items [i].itemdesc,                               database.items [i].harvest,                               database.items [i].itemtime,                               database.items [i].stdprice,                               database.items [i].hightprice,                               database.items [i].itemstock,                               database.items [i].lvlunlock,                               database.items [i].rawtree,                               database.items [i].itemtype,                               database.items [i].itemprod,                               database.items [i].itemicon);              debug.log ("item icon 1 : " + database.items[i].itemicon); // appear "corps/lemon"             debug.log ("item icon 2 : " + itemxs.itemicon); // appear "corps/lemon/lemon" **even though passing value code itemxs = new item (database.items [i].itemname,...etc)** wierd              checkinventoryexist(itemxs);             break;         }     } } 

itemicon source base name : basename + itemname; database.items[i].itemicon contain "corps/lemon" problem debug.log database.items[i].itemicon still same string "corps/lemon", when put "itemxs = new item (database.items [i].itemname,....etc" , debug.log itemxs.itemicon contain "corps/lemon/lemon"

what going on ?



below class :


using unityengine; using system.collections;  // make class item public class item {     public string itemname;     public int itemid;     public string itemdesc;     public string itemicon;     public gameobject itemmodel;     public int itemtime;     public int hightprice;     public int stdprice;     public int itemstock;     public int harvest;     public rawtree rawtree;     public itemtype itemtype;     public itemprod itemprod;     public int lvlunlock;     private string basename;      // use initialization     void start () {      }      // update called once per frame     void update () {      }      void awake () {      }      public enum itemtype {         raw,         admirable,         valuable     }      public enum rawtree {         bigtree,         smalltree,         field,         none     }      public enum itemprod {         animalbarm,         mining,         corps,         dairy,         juicejammaker,         merchant,         kitchen,         bakery,         crafthouse     }      public item (string name, int id, string desc, int harvestx, int time, int stdpricex, int hightpricex, int stock, int lvlunlockx, rawtree rawtree, itemtype type, itemprod prod, string folder) {         itemname = name;         itemid = id;         itemdesc = desc;         harvest = harvestx;         itemtime = time;         stdprice = stdpricex;         hightprice = hightpricex;         itemstock = stock;         lvlunlock = lvlunlockx;         rawtree = rawtree;         itemtype = type;         itemprod = prod;         this.basename = folder + "/";         itemicon = this.basename + itemname;     }      public item() {      } } 

then itemdatabase.cs

using unityengine; using system.collections; using system.collections.generic;  public class itemdatabase : monobehaviour {     public list<item> items = new list<item>();      // use initialization     void start () {         // add data item list class item          // ------------------------------- item corps (raw - big tree) ------------------------------- //         items.add (new item ("lemon", 1, "honey lemon", 9, 1020, 75, 158, 0, 1, item.rawtree.bigtree, item.itemtype.raw, item.itemprod.corps, "corps"));      }      // update called once per frame     void update () {      } } 

when put code :

 itemxs = new item (database.items [i].itemname, // contain "lemon"                                       database.items [i].itemid,                                       database.items [i].itemdesc,                                       database.items [i].harvest,                                       database.items [i].itemtime,                                       database.items [i].stdprice,                                       database.items [i].hightprice,                                       database.items [i].itemstock,                                       database.items [i].lvlunlock,                                       database.items [i].rawtree,                                       database.items [i].itemtype,                                       database.items [i].itemprod,                                       database.items [i].itemicon); 

itemname contain : "lemon";

itemicon contain: "corps/" + itemname; can check in itemdatabase.cs file , constructor @ item.cs.

so result itemicon must : "corps/lemon" but

why itemxs.itemicon got double itemname ? example : "corps/lemon/lemon".

in item constructor doing it:

this.basename = folder + "/"; itemicon = this.basename + itemname; 

where folder == corps , this.basename == "corps/lemon/" , itemname == "lemon" have should get.


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