javascript - angular.js:13642 Error: [$compile:multidir] -

i have scenario need change star colors based on hover value appending color using custom directive , displaying stars using ui-rating(ui-bootstrap)


<uib-rating ng-model="rate" class="col-xs-3 star-color" max="max" read-only="isreadonly" on-hover="rating=value;hoveringover(value)" star-color rating="rating" ng-click="viewpage||fnputrating(rating)" on-leave="overstar = null" titles="['one','two','three']" aria-labelledby="default-rating"></uib-rating> 

here star-color custom directive


angular.module('hrportalapp') .directive('starcolor', function() {     return {         restrict: 'a',         scope: {             rating: "="         },         link: function(scope, elem, attr) {             console.log($scope.rating);             switch (todotext) {                 case "1":           'red'                     break;                 case "2":           'red'                     break;                 case "3":           'green'                     break;                 case "4":          'green'                     break;                 case "5":           'green'                     break;             }         }     }; }); 

but here getting error as

angular.js:13642 error: [$compile:multidir] multiple directives [starcolor (module: hrportalapp), uibrating (module: ui.bootstrap.rating)] asking new/isolated scope on: <span ng-mouseleave="reset()" ng-keydown="onkeydown($event)" tabindex="0" role="slider" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="{{range.length}}" aria-valuenow="{{value}}" aria-valuetext="{{title}}" ng-model="rate" class="col-xs-3 star-color" max="max" read-only="isreadonly" on-hover="rating=value;hoveringover(value)" star-color="" rating="rating" ng-click="viewpage||fnputrating(rating)" on-leave="overstar = null" titles="['one','two','three']" aria-labelledby="default-rating"> 

i dont understand why getting error highly appreciated.

you can’t have multiple directives (in case, uibrating , starcolor) asking new scope on same element.

one easy fix parse rating inside link function: use $parse(attr.rating)(scope) in link function.


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