Create a MSI installer for deploying fonts using Wix (including more fonts in one MSI) -

please, provide full .wxs example creating msi package?

i've read thread already: how install open type fonts using wix

but not me enough. add comment there, i've got not enough reputation points :/

what wrong? receive following errors:

d:\share\it\install-msi\msi věvoj\fonty-2016>candle font-gabka2.wxs  windows installer xml toolset compiler version copyright (c) outercurve foundation. rights reserved.  font-gabka2.wxs d:\share\it\install-msi\msi věvoj\fonty-2016\font-gabka2.wxs(14) : warning cndl1091 : package/@id attribute has been set.  setting attribute allow nonidentical .msi files have same package code.  may problem because package code primary identifier used installer search , validate correct package given installation.  if package changed without changing package code, installer may not use newer package if both still accessible installer.  please remove id attribute in order automatically generate new package code each new .msi file.  d:\share\it\install-msi\msi věvoj\fonty-2016>light font-gabka2.wixobj  windows installer xml toolset linker version copyright (c) outercurve foundation. rights reserved.  d:\share\it\install-msi\msi věvoj\fonty-2016\font-gabka2.wxs(34) : error lght0094 : unresolved reference symbol 'wixaction:installexecutesequence/removeexistingproducts' in section 'product:*'. 

the source wxs file code:

<?xml version='1.0'?> <?define productname = "font gabka2 (svČ lužánky)"?> <?define prevproductversion = "1.0"?> <!-- match previous version, use "1.0.0" new install if not known --> <?define productversion = "1.0"?> <!-- match new version --> <?define productcode = "put-guid-here"?> <!-- re-generate new upgrade! ( --> <?define productupgradecode = "put-guid-here"?> <!-- when upgrading, overwrite previous productcode here. --> <wix xmlns=''>         <product id='*'                 upgradecode="$(var.productupgradecode)"                 name="$(var.productname)"                 language='1033'                 version='$(var.productversion)'                 manufacturer='svČ lužánky'>                 <package id='$(var.productcode)'                         description='$(var.productname) $(var.productversion)'                         installerversion='200'                         compressed='yes' />                 <media id='1' cabinet='' embedcab='yes' />  <directory id="targetdir" name="sourcedir">   <directory id="fontsfolder">     <component id="installfonts" guid="*">  <!-- new guid here new file (no changes upgrade, though) -->       <file id="gabka2.ttf" source="gabka2.ttf" truetype="yes" keypath="yes" />      </component>    </directory>   </directory>                   <upgrade id="$(var.productupgradecode)">                         <upgradeversion minimum="$(var.productversion)"                                 includeminimum="no"                                 onlydetect="yes"                                 language="1033"                                 property="newproductfound" />                         <upgradeversion minimum="$(var.prevproductversion)"                                 includeminimum="yes"                                 maximum="$(var.productversion)"                                 includemaximum="no"                                 language="1033"                                 property="upgradefound" />                 </upgrade>                 <property id="arpsystemcomponent" value="1" />                 <feature id='installfeature' title='install feature' level='1'>                         <componentref id='installfonts' />                 </feature>                  <!-- prevent downgrading -->                 <customaction id="preventdowngrading" error="newer version installed." />                  <installuisequence>                         <custom action="preventdowngrading" after="findrelatedproducts">newproductfound</custom>                 </installuisequence>         </product> </wix> 

thank you

ps: how install more ttf fonts in 1 msi? if add more files, errors this:

error cndl0042 : component element has multiple key paths set.  key path may set 'yes' in extension elements support or 1 of following locations: component/@keypath, file/@keypath, registryvalue/@keypath, or odbcdatasource/@keypath. 

ps2: i've used project template base new wix-msi font project.

some of things wrong:

don't make package id fixed, use "*" new value @ every build.

there's no need custom actions or upgrade elements downgrade prevention. use majorupgrade element - seems have need.

the fonts error message doesn't seem apply source posted because refers multiple files in component.


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