mysql - mysqli signal to php error -
i have mysql stored procedure, in cases give signal error this:
create definer=`root`@`localhost` procedure `insertaction`(in `employerid` int, in `storefromid` int, in `storetoid` int, in `storeid` int, in `productid` int, in `quantity` decimal(10,2), in `dualoperation` tinyint, in `inorout` tinyint) language sql not deterministic contains sql sql security definer comment '' begin start transaction; select @lastactionid; select @lasttransferid; select @retval; select sum(ad.quantity) @retval productin pri join actiondetails ad on; if dualoperation = 1 if @retval>quantity insert actions (employerid, storehouseid, `date`) values (employerid, storefromid, curdate()); set @lastactionid = (select id actions order id desc limit 1); insert producttransfer (id, transfertype) values (@lastactionid, 0); insert actiondetails (id,productid, quantity) values (@lastactionid, productid, quantity); set @lasttransferid = (select id producttransfer order id desc limit 1); insert actions (employerid, storehouseid, `date`) values (employerid, storetoid, curdate()); set @lastactionid = (select id actions order id desc limit 1); insert producttransfer (id, transfertype, parentid) values (@lastactionid, 1, @lasttransferid); insert actiondetails (id,productid, quantity) values (@lastactionid, productid, quantity); else signal sqlstate '45000' set message_text = 'not enough materials'; end if; else insert actions (employerid, storehouseid, `date`) values (employerid, storeid, curdate()); set @lastactionid = (select id actions order id desc limit 1); insert actiondetails (id, productid, quantity) values (@lastactionid, productid, quantity); if inorout = 0 insert productin (id, organizationid) values (@lastactionid, null); else if @retval>quantity insert productout (id, organizationid) values (@lastactionid, null); else signal sqlstate '45000' set message_text = 'not enough materials'; end if; end if; end if; commit; end
when run code through mysql query seems working fine. gives signal of "not enough materials" if @retval<=quantity
, no records inserted(works should be)... when call procedure php doesn't give error. none of rows inserted cant notification oppreration failed... here php code:
$mysqli->query("call `insertaction`('6', '1', '2', '0', '13', '431243241', '1', '0')");
the $mysqli->sqlstate
gives 0000
. how should understand procedure done or got signal?
so want is, if @retval<=quantity
give php exception. , code prints "string"
try { $mysqli->query("call `insertaction`(6, 1, 2, 0, 13, 431243241, 1, 0)"); } catch (exception $e){ echo "string"; }
mysqli not throw exceptions have old fashioned way
$result = $mysqli->query("call insertaction(6, 1, 2, 0, 13, 431243241, 1, 0)"); if ($result === false) { echo $mysqli->error; exit; }
also 6th param decimal (10,2) not int number passing not fit 10,2 if rememebr correctly mean 8 digits before decimal place , 2 after, try number fits like
$result = $mysqli->query("call insertaction(6, 1, 2, 0, 13, 4312432.41, 1, 0)");
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