elasticsearch - Elastic Search Bulk Import from JSON without ID -

is there way import data json file elasticsearch without having provide id each document?

i have data in json file. contains around 1000 documents no id has been specified document. here's how data looks like:

{"business_id": "aasd231as", "full_address": "202 mcclure 15034", "hours":{}} {"business_id": "123123444", "full_address": "1322 lure 34", "hours": {}} {"business_id": "sd231as", "full_address": "2 mccl 5034", "hours": {}} 

it not have {"index":{"_id":"5"}} before document. trying import data elasticsearch using following command:

curl -xpost localhost:9200/newindex/newtype/_bulk?pretty --data-binary @path/file.json 

but throws following error:

"type" : "illegal_argument_exception", "reason" : "malformed action/metadata line [1], expected start_object or end_object found [value_string]" 

this because of absence of id in line before each document.

is there way import data without providing {"index":{"_id":"5"}} before each document. highly appreciated!!

how using logstash suited task. use following config file , you're done:

save following config in logstash.conf:

input {   file {    path => "/path/to/file.json"    start_position => "beginning"    sincedb_path => "/dev/null"    codec => "json"   } } filter {  mutate {   remove_field => [ "@version", "@timestamp", "path", "host" ]  } } output {  elasticsearch {    hosts => ["localhost:9200"]    index => "newindex"    document_type => "newtype"    workers => 1  } } 

then start logstash with

bin/logstash -f logstash.conf 


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