
Showing posts from June, 2010

c - Using select() to detect a block on a UIO device file -

i'm working on embedded processor running yocto. have modified uio_pdrv_genirq.c uio driver. i writing library control dma. there 1 function writes device file , initiates dma. second function intended wait dma complete calling select() . whilst dma in progress device file blocks. on completion dma controller issues interrupt releases block on device file. i have system working expected using read() want switch select() can include time out. however, when use select() , doesn't seem recognising block , returns (before dma has completed). have included simple version of code: int gannet_dma_interrupt_wait(dma_device_t *dma_device, dma_direction dma_transfer_direction) { fd_set rfds; struct timeval timeout; int select_res; /* initialize file descriptor set , add device file */ fd_zero(&rfds); fd_set(dma_device->fd, &rfds); /* set timeout period. */ timeout.tv_sec = 5; timeout.tv_usec = 0; /* device file b...

python - session.pop() does not clear cookies -

i new flask framework , playing around learn better. following this tutorial along way. as per user authentication tutorial in series, stuck below: in tutorial, when user logs out hitting /logout route, first thing happens : session.pop('logged_in', none) now per video mentioned above, moment user hits /logout route cookie gets deleted browser. now 2 questions here: in case, exact same setup tutorial, although session might getting invalidated server end, cookie not deleted/changed in way browser after /logout route hit. there wrong doing? session.pop(...) => how/why delete front end, browser. can control things on server, isn't ? for reference below code (taken tutorial itself) # import flask class flask module flask import flask, render_template, redirect, url_for, request, session, flash # create application object app = flask(__name__) app.secret_key = 'my precious' # use decorators link function url @app.route('/') ...

Xamarin Visual Studio Error MSB4064 and MSB4063 -

i've been trying several days trying xamarin , visual studio 2015 work. have error create new blank xamarin project. project generated errors: warning ide0006 error encountered while loading project. project features, such full solution analysis failed project , projects depend on it, have been disabled. droid2 1 active warning "checksumalgorithm" parameter not supported "csc" task. verify parameter exists on task, , settable public instance property. droid2 warning "csc" task not initialized input parameters. droid2 i've tried several times uninstalling xamarin , reinstalling no avail. the build log file big add in toto added last bit. (30000 char limit) target "_extractlibraryprojectimports" in file "c:\program files (x86)\msbuild\xamarin\android\": using "readlibraryprojectimportscache" task assembly "c:\program files (x86)\msb...

php - Message: SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: parameter was not defined -

the following code producing exception @ $stmt->execute(); this new issue, have gone through other listings error , issues identified cleared here. new issue reported slim? idea else be? many thanks, has turned out 2 day problem. i'm code-blind atm. $gender = $_post['gender']; $firstname = $_post['firstname']; $lastname = $_post['lastname']; $age = $_post['age']; $phone = $_post['phone']; $contactpreference = $_post['contactpreference']; $city = $_post['city']; $state = $_post['state']; $country = $_post['country']; $zip = $_post['zip']; $adtype = $_post['adtype']; $activity = $_post['activity']; $whendate = $_post['whendate']; $providergender = $_post['providergender']; $providerage = $_post['provider...

Iterate through JSON [Python] -

i reading following json file in python: { "name": "property", "base": "persistedmodel", "idinjection": true, "options": { "validateupsert": true }, "properties": { "uuid": { "type": "string" }, "userid": { "type": "number" }, "address": { "type": "string" }, "price": { "type": "number" }, "lastupdated": { "type": "string" } }, "validations": [], "relations": { "rooms": { "type": "hasmany", "model": "room", "foreignkey": "id" }, "addedbyuser": { "type": "hasmany", "model": "user_espc...

authentication - Is it possible to authenticate javascript username password with Active Directory? -

i new active directory. wanna know possible authenticate javascript username password active directory? if how? hi think looking for. hope helps. authenticate windows authentication using javascript

javascript - Blocked iframe due to mismatch protocols -

i trying send value parent window frame on button click event shows error on console uncaught securityerror: blocked frame origin " http://localhost:53838 " accessing frame origin "null". frame requesting access has protocol of "http", frame being accessed has protocol of "file". protocols must match. on following line: window.parent.setupframe(); i have following code in parent container : <!doctype html> <html> <head> <script> function setupframe() { var frame = window.frames['myframe']; $('#btn-violet').click(function () { frame.changetheme(2); }); } </script> </head> <body> <iframe id="myframe" width="100%" height="300px" src="http://localhost:53838/" name="iframe_a"></iframe> <input type="button" value="bisque theme" id="btn-bisque" /> ...

matcaffe - Fully convolutional net in Caffe -

is possible me directly give image , segmentation input training caffe? original implementation support this? if yes can find appropreate prototxt file? yes. possible. have @ fully convolutional networks semantic segmentation , segnet . both convolutional networks , trained semantic segmentation. prototxt , caffemodel files available on github. you can run fcn original implementation, segnet uses layers not part of original implementation. have edited version of caffe on github, can use that.

chart.js - Position tooltip based on mouse position -

i'm using stacked bar chart default range on y -axis 0 - 24. each stacked bar consists of 6 bars (that go 0 4). if total size of stacked bar small, user can not read tooltip because displayed below mouse pointer. is there way indicate tooltip should displayed (e.g. below mouse if upper part of chart hovered, above if lower part of chart hovered? the options i'm using are: $scope.options={ scales: { xaxes: [{ stacked: true, type: "time", format: "yyyy-mm-dd", time: { displayformats: { 'millisecond': 'm-d', // sep 4 2015 'second': 'm-d', // sep 4 2015 'minute': 'm-d', // sep 4 2015 'hour': 'm-d', // sep 4 2015 ...

emacs - Org-Mode Custom Agenda View: Show Status Of All Current Habits -

i use org-habit keep track of of recurring tasks in org-mode. by default habits show in agenda view (along progress graph) if scheduled current day. once mark habit task done, disappears agenda view. sometimes want see how i'm doing habits. want see agenda view shows all tasks habits (along progress graph) , only tasks (i.e. tasks aren't habits should excluded). how construct such agenda view? i know can use org-habit-show-habits-only-for-today show habits in agenda, if aren't scheduled today. however, can't figure out how exclude tasks aren't habits. an item habit if , if style property set habit . can search using built-in agenda search ( c-c s ) , searching style="habit" .

sql server - Inserting row error, incorrect syntax near '<' -

i've never used sql servre before new me. i have following insert statement: insert [dbo].[web_static_pages]([url], [template], [title], [metadesc],[metakey]) values (<url, varchar(255), "test">, <template, varchar(255), "test.php">, <title, nvarchar(255), "test title">, <metadesc, text, "test meta">, <metakey, text, "test meta key">) go the following has 3 'tooltip' warnings though in sql server management studio: incorrect syntax near '<'" , "varchar not recognised built in function name can suggest issue here? how can reformat statement suit sql server management studio? when inserting values using sql server, need specifies actual data want inserted in values clause. use comma-separated list of values in case, , wrap in parentheses: insert [dbo].[web_static_pages] ([url] ,[template] ...

sonarqube - SonarLint Eclipse plugin version error -

when try connect sonarqube server, error occured saying: the following plugins not meet required minimum versions, please upgrade them: java (installed: 3.4, minimum: 3.8). but of sonarlint : , "june 3, 2016 - released version 2.1.0 of sonarlint eclipse extended support of sonarqube 4.5.4+ ", the latest version 2.1 have installed. sonarqube server 4.5.4. have missed here or solution please. there minimum versions sonarqube server , each analyzer plugin. your sonarqube server should ok, need install more recent java analyzer plugin (version >= 3.8) in sonarqube server. more information java analyzer:

ios - No visible @interface for 'GVRVideoView' -

ok i'm trying implement google vr view ios app getting error sample project provide. experience/overcome this? double checked video targeting present - don't know why anyway... // load sample 360 video, of type stereo-over-under. nsstring *videopath = [[nsbundle mainbundle] pathforresource:@"congo" oftype:@"mp4"]; [_videoview loadfromurl:[[nsurl alloc] initfileurlwithpath:videopath] oftype:kgvrvideotypestereooverunder]; } the specific error is: no visible @interface 'gvrvideoview' delcares selector 'loadfromurl:oftype:' thanks

Excluding specific VMs from Ansible Inventory: VMware -

i have configured group source "vmware vcenter" in ansible tower. per documentation, 1 can specify source variables override variables found in vmware.ini , used inventory update script. detailed description of these variables view vmware.ini in ansible github repo . an excerpt github file - specify prefix filter. vms names beginning string not returned. prefix_filter = test_ in case, have @ least 3 prefixes need excluded. however, when try specifying prefix_filter 3 times, first 1 seems work. how can exclude vms start names other te? answer comment: i'd try use newer inventory script jinja host_filters or patch if prefix_filter ) suits needs.

Dynamic connection in cakephp 3 -

i need dunamic connection in cakephp 3.i want change database connection per pass database name in configmanager::config. , want changed connection in controller after connetion changed. code of appbehavior follows, connectionmanager::drop('myconn1'); $config = connectionmanager::config('myconn1', [ 'classname' => 'cake\database\connection', 'driver' => 'cake\database\driver\mysql', 'persistent' => false, 'host' => $databasedetails['res_host'], 'username' => $databasedetails['res_login'], 'password' => $databasedetails['res_password'], 'database' => $databasedetails['res_database'], 'encoding' => 'utf8', 'timezone' => 'utc', 'cachemetadata' => true, ]); connectionmanager::get('myconn1'); after above code in appbehavior have use new connection in controller. ...

jquery - Order of Bootstrap and CSS files -

please me order jquery , css references in mvc project because of files aren't running , aren't being loaded. <script src="~/scripts/_references.js"></script> <script src="~/scripts/customjavascript.js"></script> <script src="~/scripts/jquery-1.10.2.intellisense.js"></script> <script src="~/scripts/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script> <script src="~/scripts/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script> <script src="~/scripts/jquery-2.2.1.js"></script> <script src="~/scripts/jquery-2.2.1.min.js"></script> <script src="~/scripts/_references.js"></script> <script src="~/scripts/jquery.validate-vsdoc.js"></script> <script src="~/scripts/jquery.validate.js"></script> <script src="~/scripts/jquery.validate.min.js"></script> <script src="~/scripts/...

powershell - No method found "op_addition" -

i want add specific selection of data in variable this: $a = get-service | select -first 10 | ? name -like "app*" $collection = $null foreach($item in $a){ if($item.status -like "running"){ $collection = $collection + $item } } when trying run got error like: no method found "op_addition" what can save selection in separate variable? at first, $collection $null . then, after first loop iteration, $collection single servicecontroller object, since $null + $object $object . on second loop iteration, fails because servicecontroller don't have overloads + , error informs you. you'll need declare $collection actual collection (you can use @() array subexpression operator) + work way expect: $a = get-service | select -first 10 | ? name -like "app*" $collection = @() foreach($item in $a){ if($item.status -like "running"){ $collection = $collection + $item } } alternatively, ass...

spring - Ioc Container: Dependency Injection, Dependency Lookup? -

i trying understand spring framework more know currently, , referring "pro spring 3" book. i came across following section in book below: it says in general ioc can decomposed 2 components viz: dependency injection , dependency lookup . with respect this, have following questions: 1) spring provide both dependency injection , dependency lookup ? 2) ioc container have both these systems viz: dependency injection , dependency lookup ? 3) if spring provides both dependency injection , dependency lookup , isn't wrong spring di framework, when has both these capabilities? 1: yes, spring provides both dependency injection , dependency lookup. can let spring inject dependencies using example @autowired annotation, , can manually lookup components spring's applicationcontext calling 1 of getbean methods. the main thing understand concept "inversion of control" (ioc) spring work you, instead of other way around: let spring cre...

forms - Design: What is the best approach to updating part of a database record? -

this question concerns best design approach rather particular technical technique. have database table contains system user's details i.e: username, password, firstname, lastname (these attributes can changed administrator). rest of user record contains address, phone number, mobile number, etc (these attributes can changed user). i therefore need 2 forms, 'admin' form , 'user' form, different set of editable fields on each, , appropriate role-based security control usage. here 2 approaches take: approach 1. each form has it's own backing bean representing editable fields on form. on 'save', backing bean calls specific dao method (e.g. updateuser_admin or updateuser_user) perform partial update of user record. approach therefore involves 2 forms, backing bean each form, , 2 methods in dao class. approach 2. there 2 forms before, each form re-creates entire user object through use of input fields editable fields , hidden fields non-editable fi...

gnu make - How to comment a line within a Makefile define directive? -

i want comment 1 or more line(s) within define directive in makefile line ignored when directive expanded. goal place commented line hint users of makefile show example of define directive. directive expanded target. in other words, want makefile define echo_foo = # @echo foo endef all: @echo before call $(echo_foo) @echo after call .phony: to have same behavior 1 : define echo_foo = endef all: @echo before call $(echo_foo) @echo after call .phony: the issue first makefile gives me following error : process_begin: createprocess(null, #@echo foo, ...) failed. make (e=2): system cannot find file specified. makefile:6: recipe target 'all' failed make: *** [all] error 2 the gnu make:makefile contents page states : within define directive, comments not ignored during definition of variable, rather kept intact in value of variable. when variable expanded either treated make comments or recipe text, depending on conte... - Parse server configuration with android app -

i set local parse server on machine following github instructions on parse server example repo. server , running have included parse.initialise function in main file (see screenshot)[][1] question 1: app_id env variable in parse. initialise corresponds app id set in index.js file of parse server example question2: if configuration correct why app not storing data object on server.?how check if app has established contact builds shows no errors. parse dashboard shows no change in data i.e. data not being stored on parse server ultimate goal send push notification server. have configured app gcm, got , configured app , server correct gcm project no. (sender id) , api key. please tell doing wrong? or needs done server , app configured. androidmanifest <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest xmlns:android="" package="com.e...

java - Text to Speech Converter not working -

i trying text speech converter using java code.and using freetts.jar this.i need use in web application. import com.sun.speech.freetts.*; public class convert { private static final string voicename="kevin"; public static void call(){ voice voice; voicemanager vm=voicemanager.getinstance(); system.out.println("come"); voice=vm.getvoice(voicename); voice.allocate(); try{ voice.speak("wellcome world"); system.out.println("coming here good"); } catch(exception e){ system.out.println(e); } } public static void main(string agrs[]){ call(); } } in above code not working voice.speak() method not working .i don't know why.can 1 me fix this? and need know how make text voice conversion own voice . thank you there no problem code. must have added freetts.jar buildpath. give nullpointer exception. add jars lib folder of freetts-1.2.2-...

dojo - dgrid sorting based on "get" function -

i have grid columns get method (an optional function that, given data item, return value render in cell). want use values of function sorting purpose. right way that? no, not possible. sorting done on data in store/collection. whereas, method related particular column of grid , called while rendering. sorting done before rendering of grid. you want add new property data/store values in function. apply sort on property.

c# - How to know in codebehind when XmlDataProvider has filled target controll with data -

the title of question says already. how can check if xmldataprovider has filled datagrid in code behind. works, want check when finished can style cells in datagrid(foreground, background, textweight) before user able do/see anything: public excelwindow(string filepath) { initializecomponent(); _filepath = filepath; dispatcher.begininvoke((action)(() => { loadscreensettings(); })); loadxml(); celllayouthandler = new celllayouthandler(datagridxml, _filepath); } private void loadxml() { xmldataprovider dataprovider = xmldataprovider; xmldocument xmldoc = new xmldocument(); xmldoc.load(_filepath); dataprovider.document = xmldoc; dataprovider.xpath = "data/row"; } use loadingrow event : dgrd.loadingrow += dgrdparent_loadingrow; , beauty of event visible rows fire event, if scroll down or increase size of window , remaining relevant rows fire event. use hasitems property. property becomes true when ...

java - How can i make the JLabel change through different threads without a final String? -

i know seems question asked , answered time , again, after combing through stack overflow hours couldn't solve problem. sorry in advance if i'm missing obvious. i need change jlable's text each time thread starts, , again when thread finishes. simply, i'm trying show number of threads running. jobqueueview static , final jlabel. main jframe has jlabel. jobqueue static int. at start of each thread: jobqueue += 1; refreshqueue(); at end of each thread: jobqueue -= 1;refreshqueue(); and finally public void refreshqueue() { eventqueue.invokelater(new runnable() { @override public void run() { new main().jobqueueview.settext(integer.tostring(jobqueue)); } }); } this doesn't work. ideas? thanks edit : per instructions of andrew thompson swing jlabel text change on running application : on button click event can change text of label thread in java? : has make string fina...

What's the most efficient way of enumerating the fields of an Access RecordSource? -

the recordsource access form or report can table or query. table can local or linked (and might contain calculated fields), , query can refer other queries , other tables. furthermore, query can use "*" selections, user-defined functions (udfs) , remotely connected sources. crosstab queries can have field names determined values within fields, , such, crosstab field names can vary data changes. i'm trying find the efficient "light-touch" way of determining field names of given recordsource , following considerations: queries include user-defined functions should not call functions while determining field names, recordset approach not suitable. locks should not put on underlying objects the database ideally not in exclusive mode connections linked tables should ideally not opened, , nor should triggers on remote tables triggered. if possible fields should determined without access remote data sources. the field name required, field type , attribut...

html - Finding sibling after matching node text using XPath -

consider following html. <div class="block table__responsive-body" id="review_2"> <div class="row"> <div class="small-4 columns hide-for-large-up"> <strong>betyg</strong> </div> <div class="small-8 columns table__responsive-body-content">5<p> <strong>skapades den: </strong>28 jun 09:44</p> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="small-4 columns hide-for-large-up"> <strong>produkt</strong> </div> <div class="small-8 columns table__responsive-body-content"> <a href="/products/9">volvo v50</a> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="small-4 columns hide-for-large-up"> ...

javascript - How to use Super Global PHP variables inside JS file -

this question has answer here: how pass variables , data php javascript? 17 answers in javascript file i've if statement , code inside it. , i'm trying use super global variable inside js function. here php code embedded inside javascript function: if(typeof window.history.pushstate == 'function') { window.history.pushstate({}, "hide", '<?php echo $_server['php_self'];?>'); } $_server['php_self'] variable stands 3-parametr of js function. one more thing: when write code inside somefile.php it's working fine. i'm gonna put partition of code inside external js file , include it. how can achieve this? as long have php parse - appending .php @ end of filename, if you're using apache - should fine. can load javascript files end in php <script src="test.js.php" /> . ...

ruby on rails - Formatting to_json method for child object -

i have rails object product: { id: 1 name: 'soup' } and customer object: { id: 20 name: 'ryans' } they linked via: class product < activerecord::base belongs_to :customer when call product.to_json(methods: [:customer]), get: { id: 1 name: 'soup', customer: { id: 20 name: 'ryans' } } but need in format: { id: 1 name: 'soup', customer_name: 'ryans' } is possible? i'm using rails v4.1.7 you can delegate name to customer class class product < activerecord::base belongs_to :customer delegate :name, to: :customer, prefix: true you can do product.to_json(methods: [:customer_name])

game engine - How to store edges of convex polygon? -

i'm making own simple 2d-game's engine , want use separating axis theorem detect collisions requires objects convex polygons , love able create these polygons in easy way because every physical object in game required have own polygon mapped painful create these polygons hand (by providing pixel coordinates of every vertex of polygon) every object. is there better way this?

summernote - Curly brackets in array values, Javascript -

i'm having problems getting autocomplete function work when array values begin , end curly brackets. say have array values this: var hints = ["{{ticket_id}}","{{requestor_id}}","{{date_created}}"] here's js: <script> $(document).ready(function() { $("#editor_subject").summernote({ toolbar: [], hint: { words: hints, match: /\b(\w{1,})$/, search: function (keyword, callback) { callback($.grep(this.words, function (item) { return item.indexof(keyword) === 0; })); } } }); }); </script> so way should work, if type {{ti should autocomplete , fill in rest of word {{ticket_id}}, it's not working. if remove curly brackets values in array, works fine. how can accomplish this? i'm assuming regexp used in match section. thank...

excel vba - VBA Microsoft.XMLHTTP setRequestHeader not sending cookie -

my vba code send every headers except cookie information. dim oxmlhttprequest object set oxmlhttprequest = createobject("microsoft.xmlhttp") oxmlhttprequest.setrequestheader "accept", "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*" oxmlhttprequest.setrequestheader "accept-language", "ko-kr" oxmlhttprequest.setrequestheader "user-agent", "mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 6.1; wow64; trident/7.0; rv:11.0) gecko" oxmlhttprequest.setrequestheader "content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" oxmlhttprequest.setrequestheader "accept-encoding", "gzip, deflate" oxmlhttprequest.setrequestheader "connection", "keep-alive" oxmlhttprequest.setrequestheader "dnt", "1" oxmlhttprequest.setrequestheader "cookie", "xxx=yyy" oxmlhttprequest.send[enter image description here][1] as see in capture link below, cookie: xxx=yyy missing.. have ...

multithreading - MySQL queue transactions -

i have queue in database (one table has column, enum , has queue, completed , working states) , execute transactions on it, changes rows state working queue or working complete, first have run complex query select row. right now, first application runs select, gets row, then runs update, change state queue working (inside transaction, the application api, written in spring boot , use jdbctemplate access mysql database, method use select , change state marked @transactional annotation). also, application ( that using api! ) multi threaded, possible, 2 or more of transaction run @ same time (multiple calls api). is possible, them return same row? example: t1, t2 transactions, s1,s2 selects, u1,u2 updates. execution order: t1 starts same time t2 t1 { s1 --->u1 } t2 { s2 ----->u2} the 2nd select runs before first update, can both return same row? yes, possible 2 select statements return same record same values, depends on locking , isolation level apply wh...

A way to store time without seconds in SQL Server -

i want save time in sql server database in format: hh:mm and not this: hh:mm:ss is possible? there unique data type (i tried go on list of data types failed find; tried search on msdn , didn't find). there way? not want second stored. if you're using sql-server 2008+ , can use time type , reset seconds , ignore them while selecting. if not, can consider saving them strings(extract hh:mi) or integers(counting minutes after 00:00). @destination-data said, should note won't able use time functions available sql-server, able convert them date if necessary .

Clean install of Apache redirects domain to https -

i've done clean install of server, , installed apache , php. i've adapted default apache virtual hosts file target necessary folder , enabled site, reason when attempt access page in browser attempts reach instead of this newly installed apache server have no clue why try , use ssl, , far can tell dns settings domain correct , can't see redirects https

php - Using a "#" Separator in fgetcsv? -

i used documentation use fgetcsv function in order import csv file in database (my server doesn't allows me use load data infile sql function). but csv files contains "#" character line separators , not \n i don't know how make fgetcsv know line separator... here code: $file = fopen("contenu/bd/test.csv", "r"); fgetcsv($file); while(($data = fgetcsv($file, 10000, ";")) !== false){ $num = count($data); ($c=0; $c<$num; $c++){ $col[$c] = $data[$c]; } ((insert sql)) } fclose($file); thanks lot answers! but csv files contains "#" character line separators , not \n then not valid csv file. i don't know how make fgetcsv know line separator... no, because not valid line separator. should make valid csv replacing these # \n prior parsing. *edit** then either 2 step import ->...

performance - Code organization Matlab -

this question has answer here: in matlab, can have script , function definition in same file? 7 answers i write program @ matlab. in .m file. , it's 300+ strings of code now, became not comfortable reading. idea use in c++: want create local functions @ end of file , put pieces of code them. easy read , consist of logical parts. but faced fact local functions can created in body of other function! can't create this: x = 1; y = 2; z = mylocalfnc(x,y); function res = mylocalfnc (a,b) res = a.*b; end this generate error: function definitions not permitted in context. i can including whole code 1 function: function mybigfcn x = 1; y = 2; z = mylocalfnc(x,y); end function res = mylocalfnc (a,b) res = a.*b; end but variables became local , return workspace nothing. modify input/output function time create variable - don't think walk right...

Logstash 2.3.x plugin update issue -

i tried download both logstash 2.3.4 , 2.3.3-all .deb, when try run sudo /opt/logstash/bin/logstash-plugin update logstash-patterns-core or other plugin get warning: sslsocket#session= not supported no plugin updated also when try install logstash-patterns-core , suppose add files /opt/logstash/patterns , doesn't, console says plugin installed succesfully.

Create table rows dynamically from parsed JSON in AsyncTask in Android -

i kind of stuck right now.i want create table parsed json data.the json fetched webservice using asynctask on click of button.the fetched json parsed within asynctask. want parallely create tabular layout , show on user interface. have included asynctask class. example: json [{"instrument":"eurcad"},{"entry price","1.453"}] the table should this: |instrument | entryprice| |eurcad | 1.453 | please help!!! asynctask package com.shubhamhpcs.fetchdb; import android.os.asynctask; import android.util.log; import org.json.jsonarray; import org.json.jsonexception; import org.json.jsonobject; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * created satyam on 7/11/2016. */ public class fetchinstrumenttask extends asynctask<void,void,string[]> { private final string log_tag = fetchinst...