android - How to Access newly added view from linearlayout manager -

i making chat application . have layout manager extends linearlayoutmanager , want compute height of view added adapter when call smoothscrolltoposition() change scroll speed.

for more height make milliseconds_per_inch smaller value , less height make large.

but not able calculate height of newly added view.

public class smoothlinearlayoutmanager extends linearlayoutmanager {  private chatadapter mchatadapter; private context mcontext; private final float milliseconds_per_inch = 250f; public smoothlinearlayoutmanager(context context,chatadapter adapter) {     super(context);     mcontext = context;     mchatadapter = adapter; }  public smoothlinearlayoutmanager(context context, int orientation, boolean reverselayout) {     super(context, orientation, reverselayout);     mcontext = context; }  public smoothlinearlayoutmanager(context context, attributeset attrs, int defstyleattr, int defstyleres) {     super(context, attrs, defstyleattr, defstyleres);     mcontext = context; }  @override public void smoothscrolltoposition(final recyclerview recyclerview, recyclerview.state state, final int position) {      log.d("scroll",mchatadapter.getchildheight()+"");      linearsmoothscroller smoothscroller = new linearsmoothscroller(mcontext) {         @override         public pointf computescrollvectorforposition(int targetposition) {             return smoothlinearlayoutmanager.this.computescrollvectorforposition(position);         }          @override         protected float calculatespeedperpixel(displaymetrics displaymetrics) {             return (milliseconds_per_inch)/displaymetrics.densitydpi;         }     };     smoothscroller.settargetposition(position);     startsmoothscroll(smoothscroller); } 


if purpose of accessing newly added view make constant smoothscroll speed, library may useful you.

like this:

layoutmanager = new snappylinearlayoutmanager(context); layoutmanager.setsnapduration(500); layoutmanager.setseekduration(1000); 


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